New Member
I pre-ordered the Incredible. Was pretty excited to get it in the mail. Loved being able to browse the internet on it, it's fast, snappy, etc. Downloaded name it.
But I started to notice that I was having trouble hearing people at home. With my last phone - a Samsung Gleam, which was a decent phone but never known for being "exceptional" for reception or call quality, in this one location in the house I would occasionally get small dropouts here and there. It was annoying, a problem I hoped that the supposedly great reception of the Incredible would solve.
Well - turns out it's the opposite, the Incredible is slightly worse. And no - I don't think that because of looking at the "bars" on the phone. I don't even know how many bars either phone has. I did a test.
I sat at my computer with the Incredible and called my voicemail and tried to concentrate on seeing if I could actually hear every word. I couldn't - for example, in this one part of the message they say a phone number, but I hear something like 888-54.....29. Then I used the online ESN changer to switch to my Gleam. Called my voicemail again - no dropouts. None at all. Used the esn changer to change back to my Incredible, called my voicemail again - more dropouts. I listened to the same message several times with each phone - the Incredible would usually drop out some bit of the message (the call would never technically drop though), while with the Gleam no part of the conversation would glitch out at all. Actually - I should say that there was this bit that I thought was maybe doing that, but when I repeated it 3 times and it sounded exactly the same each time I realized it was just an error in the actual message. I'm just ticked. I really rather liked the phone otherwise, but I can't keep a phone that doesn't work as a phone. That's why I never got an iPhone - because I wanted my phone to actually work well as a phone first, and as a smartphone second. *sigh*
I guess it's going back. I suppose I could consider exchanging it - except since no one has it in stock, that would probably be a nightmare and I'd just get a refurbished phone anyways. I could get one of those home booster thingies (the official ones that go over the internet), but I'd be worried that I'd have issues out and again.
*sigh*. Why is it so difficult for them to just make a decent phone?
While I'm complaining, I might as well mention that I was *not* impressed by the sound quality of the phone either. I'm not saying it was "terrible", but people sounded kind of...compressed. Robotic. I only mention it because I've read to many "OMG the sound quality is AMAZING" posts - I don't get it. Perhaps it's related to my using the phone in a low reception area of something.
P.S. I should add that I'm not actually dropping calls - I stay connected, I just don't actually hear all the words the other person is saying (as mentioned, even on voicemail where the problem couldn't possibly be their phone) pretty consistently.
I pre-ordered the Incredible. Was pretty excited to get it in the mail. Loved being able to browse the internet on it, it's fast, snappy, etc. Downloaded name it.
But I started to notice that I was having trouble hearing people at home. With my last phone - a Samsung Gleam, which was a decent phone but never known for being "exceptional" for reception or call quality, in this one location in the house I would occasionally get small dropouts here and there. It was annoying, a problem I hoped that the supposedly great reception of the Incredible would solve.
Well - turns out it's the opposite, the Incredible is slightly worse. And no - I don't think that because of looking at the "bars" on the phone. I don't even know how many bars either phone has. I did a test.
I sat at my computer with the Incredible and called my voicemail and tried to concentrate on seeing if I could actually hear every word. I couldn't - for example, in this one part of the message they say a phone number, but I hear something like 888-54.....29. Then I used the online ESN changer to switch to my Gleam. Called my voicemail again - no dropouts. None at all. Used the esn changer to change back to my Incredible, called my voicemail again - more dropouts. I listened to the same message several times with each phone - the Incredible would usually drop out some bit of the message (the call would never technically drop though), while with the Gleam no part of the conversation would glitch out at all. Actually - I should say that there was this bit that I thought was maybe doing that, but when I repeated it 3 times and it sounded exactly the same each time I realized it was just an error in the actual message. I'm just ticked. I really rather liked the phone otherwise, but I can't keep a phone that doesn't work as a phone. That's why I never got an iPhone - because I wanted my phone to actually work well as a phone first, and as a smartphone second. *sigh*
I guess it's going back. I suppose I could consider exchanging it - except since no one has it in stock, that would probably be a nightmare and I'd just get a refurbished phone anyways. I could get one of those home booster thingies (the official ones that go over the internet), but I'd be worried that I'd have issues out and again.
*sigh*. Why is it so difficult for them to just make a decent phone?
While I'm complaining, I might as well mention that I was *not* impressed by the sound quality of the phone either. I'm not saying it was "terrible", but people sounded kind of...compressed. Robotic. I only mention it because I've read to many "OMG the sound quality is AMAZING" posts - I don't get it. Perhaps it's related to my using the phone in a low reception area of something.
P.S. I should add that I'm not actually dropping calls - I stay connected, I just don't actually hear all the words the other person is saying (as mentioned, even on voicemail where the problem couldn't possibly be their phone) pretty consistently.
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