From the one's I've seen it's been 50/50 for signal issues. The one we own is fine, all over the city, works great everywhere (except the 215/15 area of las vegas, where all cell signal goes to die). Some others are horrible, some are fine. The one I laid hands on, I think I may have fixed. Did a PRL update (*228 option 2) and a factory reset, hasn't had a problem since from what I've been told. But I tried this with another phone, and no joy.
So, who knows? It's got to be software, not that it makes a difference to those affected. I've witnessed the same piece of hardware with and without the problem, the only thing different was a data/cache wipe and a PRL update. So it can be fixed, just a question of when.
So, who knows? It's got to be software, not that it makes a difference to those affected. I've witnessed the same piece of hardware with and without the problem, the only thing different was a data/cache wipe and a PRL update. So it can be fixed, just a question of when.