do you wonder why?????
Agreed, the update sucks. The app is crap and the quality is still crap. It still cuts out, just not as much. And they still can't figure out how to make it go into landscape mode? Really?
It's because the company operates out of Puerto Rico or the Phillipines - don't remember which, but it is a clear goal to place revenue over customer satisfaction.
Those dummies could REALLY make a bundle if they revamped their mission statement.
If they CHOSE to put a good signal out, with a menu like Dish or DirecTV, offering 'tiers' of packaging stations, and focused either on making and pushing the RADIO units, and allowing a relatively inexpensive to a higher-priced subscription is one way; the other, reversed- place a higher value on the programming packaging, offering 'add-on' special packs, like Stern, blackout Sports, Concerts, etc, and a low priced array of receivers, some with a nice range internal speaker system, that would also be cool. If you could go online, pay $140-150 for a portable radio, and then go for a mid-tier programming choice for around $15-20, and a couple of add-ons, like Stern for $3, etc for $3 and their FULL lineup that would include the 'Classics' station with Abbot and Costello, the Shadow, etc, I would have a total of 5 registered units on my subscription, instead of the two car radios, and one portable (that I had to buy a speaker cabinet for). (one for each car, one for home, one for each office-hers and mine).
I'm thinking that the way they operate, will never allow for a 'fair price to product ration. They are good at screwing their client base, so why quit now?
These sukka's need a good competitive player to emerge! :icon_evil: