I hear Verizon blocks Slingbox Streams. How is this working over peoples 3G connection?
I just used it on my drive home from work. about 13-15 miles on 3G, no issues what so ever. Worked great. No pauses, crashes ect. Now I can drive and watch tv..lol
This or texting while driving is not intelligent. Please use common sense.
I'm pretty sure he was kidding around but ya...watching tv while driving is a lil worse than texting while driving, esp if you watch porn which is what androids can do according to a mr jobs LMAO. dancedroid
Update: I will post a video of it working on the droid as soon as my buddy gives me permission to get into his slingplayer at his house, wish he would have split the line so it wouldnt matter when i got into it. since mine isnt hooked up due to brother moving other cables around so he can watch tv, damn kids and their tv's

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