Xander Crews
Active Member
Then why not ditch Verizon and go prepaid. I believe there are prepaid carriers that will let her have a smartphone sans the data.
I don't want to switch right now...and actually, I can't. I just re-upped last June with a Rezound for 2 years with unlimited data. I'm happy, for now.
She could always switch...but that would involve us no longer needing a family plan, so I wonder how that would work? She isn't under contract...or at least she won't be next month.
What if she leaves? How will that effect the plan I am on? My plan is to stick with this phone as long as I can, and then buy my phones outright to keep the unlimited data and not go to tiered.
I imagine her being on prepaid AND me being on Verizon may have us paying more overall...not sure.
Not having data isn't a huge deal to her...it's just something that would be nice for her to be able to do around the house.
She's actually vehemently anti-smartphone because of the extra charges...well, that and the fact she gets really annoyed when she sees people spending a lot of time buried in their phones.
She has issues. :biggrin: