snesoid crashing?


New Member
Nov 6, 2009
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i'm new to android... i download snesoid lite and i've loaded .smc roms to my sdcard. but when i load the rom, the program just crashes back to the home page...

are other people having this issue too? does snesoid not working with android2.0 yet? or am i doing something wrong...?

Could mean you have bad roms. The rom should be zipped and see if works on a PC emulator to validate the rom works.
I have not seen that before. Are they zipped or rared? Zipped is what you need. When you get them working, please tell me how the game play.
the creator of the -oid series emulator released new versions supporting android 2.0 this morning. it clearly starts in app description "fixed crashing in android 2.0" - get the latest version, it should work fine.

also, make sure you're unzipping
Yes, all five GREAT Oid emulators have been updated to Android 2.0, so no more crashing :)

But keep the roms zipped, not unzipped. Takes up about a 75% less space when zipped.
In my experience with this app it will not load the roms unless they are unzipped. I have tried about 10 times and each time it would not worked until I used androidzip or something like that to unzip the rom.