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So I've had my DX for 3 weeks...

there have been some snide comments, and i don't want to add to it. so i say this, truly, in an attempt to be helpful. but, it seems like you might not have given the time to really understand how the phone operates. to me, comparing the BB platform to Android is like comparing a high school football player to a NFL player - they play the same game, but are entirely different animals.

my wife had a Curve for 2 years (and i just recently got her the D Inc), so i have quite a bit of experience with BB's. to me, a BB is a phone, with some smartphone features. a Droid is more like a netpad computer, that you can use as a phone - it is just so much more powerful. and that is why i speculate that you may not have taken enough time to really explore the DX's functions. you're going up to a WAAAAAAYYY beefier device, and it takes some time to really get to know it. but, the power, speed, function, and capability is almost unrivaled.

as for your specific issues....

1. Facebook. in the FB menu, there is an option for only syncing your FB contacts with your phone contacts that have phone numbers. i don't have phone numbers for most of my FB friends, so it cuts down the number of people appearing in my phone contacts significantly.

2. Vibrate. you can use the volume rocker like someone suggested. also, on the lock screen, if you slide the icon on the right side, you can switch b/t sound and vibrate.

3. phone speed. this is highly unusual. you're running a phone with a 1 ghz processor - it CAN'T be slow. you may have a bad phone. download the app Quadrant and run a benchmark test. if it's significantly slower than what an X should be, it may be defective. and, you've got a ton of internal memory - apps shouldn't be the problem. but, you can try Advanced Task Killer app (altho the google/android people don't really like them) and set it to automatically kill apps running in the background. otherwise, you can go to settings/applications/manage apps and "force stop" your apps.

4. text messages. i don't know - never heard of this.

6. browser. even BB browser will auto take you to the "mobile" version of the website. i use xScope, and it works great!!

7. i don't use swype. but, "better keyboard" is an option, and there are a TON of different skins to dl, to make it what you want. right now, i'm using SwiftKey Beta, and it is phenomenal!!

8. phone/texting. this is just personal preference. i find my Droid works great. i have a phenomenal speakerphone, and the ability to utilize my keypad when i'm on a call.

i don't know if any of this helps, but i'd hate to see you give up and go back to driving a Chevy Nova, instead of keeping your BMW/Mercedes/Lexus...

And I'm thinking of going back to my Blackberry Curve unless you guys can help me solve some issues.

1. Facebook. My phone downloaded all my Facebook contacts, so that when I go to text or make a call, I see 200 names that I dont want on my phone. The only way to get around this that I've discovered is to eliminiate Facebook on the phone. I've tried to delete individual names that I don't want but I get a message that says I have to delete them from my Facebook acct.

2. No good way to set the phone to vibrate. On my BB, if it was in the holster, it would vibrate. If it wasn't it would ring. You have to jump through a bunch of hoops to turn the vibrate on and off on this phone and even then it doesn't vibrate for a text.

3. This phone is SLOW. I'm told it's due to the apps but I've only downloaded a handfull and hardly use them. Is there an easy way to see which apps are running and turn them off?

4. I seem to receive text messages between 1-3 times. In other words, if I get a text, it often comes through multiple times. ANNOYING. Plus if I try to delete them, it takes FOREVER. I was showing my friend this and she couldn't believe how slow this phone was.

5. Battery life is abysmal. But you all knew that.

6. Surfing the web. If you go to a website say espn or facebook as examples, it doesn't take you to the full site. You go to some miniversion that doesn't give me the info that I want.

7. Keyboard. Sometimes swype seems to work well, sometimes not. If I text something and a word is wrong, it is very hard to go back to change the word. What I do know is that this keyboard is a PITA compared to a BB.

8. Unless you want to do a lot of multimedia on this phone, it isn't that good. Oddly enough, the phone's biggest weaknesses are as a phone and texting device. There seem to be too many menus to have to go through, the phone is large if you're going to be holding it to your ear to talk, and it isn't as easy to text with as a BB.

Is there any way to solve these problems or should I just go back to my BB?
The Droid is probably not a good phone for the OP, that's plainly clear. But that doesn't give anyone the right to insult him, nor OP does it give you the right to insult anyone.

Respect is #1 in the Droid Forums, if you can't post respectfully then don't post at all.
I come from a curve too.

I will say it is a very nice feature when you put your Curve back into the holster it automatically does vibrate and sound.

One app that I miss the most is BlackBerry password keeper, tasks and notes. It is the best I ever used.

and it has been three weeks for me too but I am not going back. Hell NOOOoooooooo!

DroidX is the best phone I have ever owned.

That's good to know. I'll be picking up my X after work today (it finally came in!). I've used various OS in the past (have had Nokias, S-E, Panasonic, Sharp, and most recently BB) and am hoping I get used to the new phone quickly. I admit, I needed very little assistance with the BB since it's not a complicated phone at all. It's just good and solid.

Thankfully I've had the fruit's touch MP3 for over a year now, so I should be okay with not having the physical BB keyboard. As long as call reception is good (I travel a lot in the US for work) and I can access the browser on the fly, I'm good. BTW, I'm deflecting after 20+ years from Blue to Big Red, itself a leap!

I've read about the Facebook/social media issues if you use the default Motor Blur to access them. I am hoping to be able to root the phone and get rid of the native apps for Facebook and Twitter and use the branded apps instead. Then I'll need to figure out how to get the notifications set the way I want. I think I'll be frustrated a lot at first, but don't usually need manuals for much. Just plan to haunt these forums to get tips and help as needed. :)

Hoepfully you won't see me posting again in 3 weeks saying I miss my BB like the OP!
And I'm thinking of going back to my Blackberry Curve unless you guys can help me solve some issues.

1. Facebook. My phone downloaded all my Facebook contacts, so that when I go to text or make a call, I see 200 names that I dont want on my phone. The only way to get around this that I've discovered is to eliminiate Facebook on the phone. I've tried to delete individual names that I don't want but I get a message that says I have to delete them from my Facebook acct.

2. No good way to set the phone to vibrate. On my BB, if it was in the holster, it would vibrate. If it wasn't it would ring. You have to jump through a bunch of hoops to turn the vibrate on and off on this phone and even then it doesn't vibrate for a text.

3. This phone is SLOW. I'm told it's due to the apps but I've only downloaded a handfull and hardly use them. Is there an easy way to see which apps are running and turn them off?

4. I seem to receive text messages between 1-3 times. In other words, if I get a text, it often comes through multiple times. ANNOYING. Plus if I try to delete them, it takes FOREVER. I was showing my friend this and she couldn't believe how slow this phone was.

5. Battery life is abysmal. But you all knew that.

6. Surfing the web. If you go to a website say espn or facebook as examples, it doesn't take you to the full site. You go to some miniversion that doesn't give me the info that I want.

7. Keyboard. Sometimes swype seems to work well, sometimes not. If I text something and a word is wrong, it is very hard to go back to change the word. What I do know is that this keyboard is a PITA compared to a BB.

8. Unless you want to do a lot of multimedia on this phone, it isn't that good. Oddly enough, the phone's biggest weaknesses are as a phone and texting device. There seem to be too many menus to have to go through, the phone is large if you're going to be holding it to your ear to talk, and it isn't as easy to text with as a BB.

Is there any way to solve these problems or should I just go back to my BB?

1. If you go into "My accounts", you can delete the facebook account and those contacts will no longer be available...OR, once you go into your Contacts list, there's an option at the top (w/ a + sign) that you can choose so that it will only show your phone contacts, vs. google contacts. vs. facebook contacts. vs/ All contacts or your "favorites".

2. I use a toggle widget that's free in the Market, if you just look that up, the vibrate option is only a click away. It's called "Silent Toggle Widget" but it does have an "Only Vibrate" option.

3. There's a really really good post earlier regarding how to improve the performance of your phone and getting rid of all unneccessary apps that can run in the background that would take up memory and make your phone more laggy.. however, you would need Root access. You can check it out and i'm sure it'll help if you follow it through: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...s/67100-keep-your-droid-x-running-snappy.html

4. Are you using Handcent SMS by any chance? cause it tends to do that, there's an option in Handcent where u can turn off that capability and it'll prevent the multiple texts from popping up. If you're only using stock, not sure what to tell you except it's probably a network problem with either of the carrier. Also, if you have multiple messaging applications running, that could cause the duplicates as well.

5. I average 12+ hours w/ moderate use after "conditioning" the battery..i.e., draining it and fully charging it. Be sure to turn GPS as that is probably what causes the majority of the battery drain.

6. This is something I haven't noticed and doesn't really have a problem with so don't know what to tell you except what's already been said...try different browsers...

7. I don't seem to have a problem with this either..i love swype and even the regular keyboard has great text prediction and pop up for correction ... as for highlighting a word, just double tap on the word and if you want highlight a whole sentence, press down until the magnifier comes up and drag it until the end of the sentence/paragraph and delete. If you're coming from the buttons of a qwerty keyboard, the touchscreen keyboard does take some getting use to but i think it's awesome for the trade of how thick the phone would feel otherwise.

8. I've never had a BB and will never be interested as I think they look too cumbersome. I don't have the issue of the phone being too big, but the sensor can be bothersome as i will ear push buttons sometimes accidentally while it's still against my ear. I'm not sure what the complaint regarding texting is unless it's the keyboard which i've already addressed up there. I use a different home launcher application (Launcherpro) which i find to be MUCH better than the stock, maybe you can give that a try (it's free) and you'll get access to your text application right on the home screen.

hope that helps a little. I think you'll really enjoy it more once you get the hang of it. it's definitely a learning curve for anyone not coming from an android phone previously (myself included).
You don't know how to use the phone. Go back to your curve.

Making the phone vibrate is honestly so simple...if you can't figure it out you shouldn't have a smart phone.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

I agree, that person has not taken the time to learn how to use it.

Yes, it's a little slower than a flip phone because it's doing more.

There are many apps and widgets that can control sound and vib with the push of a button.

I've had a droid 1 since Jan, and the X for a week, and have none of those problems.

Web pages are browser controlled. Either change browsers or change settings.

The Droid line is not for everyone.

I have no complaints. The screen is big, but not better. Droid 1 had a clearer screen.

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Thank you for helping Chirodroid instead of bashing him. I hope that when I get my X and need help that someone on this forum will help me because I am new to smartphones
I think that the most helpful posts are the ones that provide specific advice for the OP's concerns, rather than those that criticize him. I have personally spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out numerous Droid issues on this site, and I still consider myself only an advanced beginner, who often benefits from help. Many people don't have the time or interest in putting in all that time on a phone and just want an intuitive device that works out of the box. They should be helpd and supported. Droid owners don't need to get defensive about their Droids versus some other phone, even when an OP is a bit frustrated and critical himself in asking for help.
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It looks like more or less everything has been addressed. Just wanted to add a couple things.

3. This phone is SLOW. I'm told it's due to the apps but I've only downloaded a handfull and hardly use them. Is there an easy way to see which apps are running and turn them off?

If the text message app is slow, I've been reading quite a few talking about this on the X. I don't know if there's a way to fix the stock client. You may have to wait for the update. However, there are alternatives, such as Handcent.

Regarding general slowness, the update will certainly address this...although I think the phone is very fast.

Otherwise, some apps will slow your phone if they are poorly designed. Check your battery usage in phone settings or use Spare Parts from the market.

8. Unless you want to do a lot of multimedia on this phone, it isn't that good. Oddly enough, the phone's biggest weaknesses are as a phone and texting device. There seem to be too many menus to have to go through, the phone is large if you're going to be holding it to your ear to talk, and it isn't as easy to text with as a BB.

The too many menus problem is partially addressed with the update. There are some simplifications. However, you should look into downloading some widgets to access settings directly.

The phone is quite large. You could use a bluetooth headset for calls. There is no physical keyboard. That really isn't going to change. If you want a smaller phone with a keyboard just wait a little because the Droid 2 is coming soon...and with the update already installed.
Most of your issues were addressed but I'll throw my 2 cents in on the phone issues. I think you should get the Jawbone Icon bluetooth for your phone calls. I drive a semi and by law I have to have hands free phone calls. This Jawbone is amazing in the quality of the sound, the noise reduction and ease of use. This truck is very loud and all my calls are crystal clear and people have no idea I'm on bluetooth. dancedroid

You can also go to the Jawbone website and enable the bluetooth to play all sounds such as music, game audio, multimedia right over the bluetooth and you can change the default voice options that come stock with the device. Way cool! I leave the DroidX in a windshield mounted holder (not the car dock but a generic GPS/Phone holder) and I can talk on the phone and walk around the truck with my Jawbone and not drop the call (that's about 70 feet away from the phone at the back of the trailer!). I have never had a phone that had this good of call quality, its superb!

Anyway I think you should look into the Jawbone Icon. Its about $99.00 but its one of the best bluetooth's on the market imho. Best of luck!

I thought the point of this post was to help the poster fix his problems. Not, expound on the merits of the Droid X. It does sound like he has some issues that I've noticed myself, however, some of the discussion on this post and board in general has been sophomoric and completely unhelpful.
I thought the point of this post was to help the poster fix his problems. Not, expound on the merits of the Droid X. It does sound like he has some issues that I've noticed myself, however, some of the discussion on this post and board in general has been sophomoric and completely unhelpful.

I agree with you.
Please note that disrespectful and insulting attitudes towards other members will not be tolerated. Please refrain from any more posts in this manner.
GPS is useless unless you're using it and it sucks up battery.

I keep repeating myself on this issue, because I believe it's a major bug with the X. With every other Android phone besides the X, you can leave the GPS setting on. This will allow apps to use it when they need it. When they're done using it, the GPS shuts off. On the X, the GPS causes the phone to be unable to sleep so UNTIL THE UPDATE ARRIVES you should turn off GPS after you're done using it. After the update arrives, you'll be able to leave it on...hopefully.

The X is brand new. We are "early adopters". We have to expect some stuff like this, but if Google/Motorola/Verizon do as they did with the update to the Droid 1, then all of the bugs will be ironed out soon.

Peace and love, peace and love.
And I'm thinking of going back to my Blackberry Curve unless you guys can help me solve some issues.

1. Facebook. My phone downloaded all my Facebook contacts, so that when I go to text or make a call, I see 200 names that I dont want on my phone. The only way to get around this that I've discovered is to eliminiate Facebook on the phone. I've tried to delete individual names that I don't want but I get a message that says I have to delete them from my Facebook acct.

2. No good way to set the phone to vibrate. On my BB, if it was in the holster, it would vibrate. If it wasn't it would ring. You have to jump through a bunch of hoops to turn the vibrate on and off on this phone and even then it doesn't vibrate for a text.

3. This phone is SLOW. I'm told it's due to the apps but I've only downloaded a handfull and hardly use them. Is there an easy way to see which apps are running and turn them off?

4. I seem to receive text messages between 1-3 times. In other words, if I get a text, it often comes through multiple times. ANNOYING. Plus if I try to delete them, it takes FOREVER. I was showing my friend this and she couldn't believe how slow this phone was.

5. Battery life is abysmal. But you all knew that.

6. Surfing the web. If you go to a website say espn or facebook as examples, it doesn't take you to the full site. You go to some miniversion that doesn't give me the info that I want.

7. Keyboard. Sometimes swype seems to work well, sometimes not. If I text something and a word is wrong, it is very hard to go back to change the word. What I do know is that this keyboard is a PITA compared to a BB.

8. Unless you want to do a lot of multimedia on this phone, it isn't that good. Oddly enough, the phone's biggest weaknesses are as a phone and texting device. There seem to be too many menus to have to go through, the phone is large if you're going to be holding it to your ear to talk, and it isn't as easy to text with as a BB.

Is there any way to solve these problems or should I just go back to my BB?

1. If you go into "My accounts", you can delete the facebook account and those contacts will no longer be available...OR, once you go into your Contacts list, there's an option at the top (w/ a + sign) that you can choose so that it will only show your phone contacts, vs. google contacts. vs. facebook contacts. vs/ All contacts or your "favorites".

2. I use a toggle widget that's free in the Market, if you just look that up, the vibrate option is only a click away. It's called "Silent Toggle Widget" but it does have an "Only Vibrate" option.

3. There's a really really good post earlier regarding how to improve the performance of your phone and getting rid of all unneccessary apps that can run in the background that would take up memory and make your phone more laggy.. however, you would need Root access. You can check it out and i'm sure it'll help if you follow it through: http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...s/67100-keep-your-droid-x-running-snappy.html

4. Are you using Handcent SMS by any chance? cause it tends to do that, there's an option in Handcent where u can turn off that capability and it'll prevent the multiple texts from popping up. If you're only using stock, not sure what to tell you except it's probably a network problem with either of the carrier. Also, if you have multiple messaging applications running, that could cause the duplicates as well.

5. I average 12+ hours w/ moderate use after "conditioning" the battery..i.e., draining it and fully charging it. Be sure to turn GPS as that is probably what causes the majority of the battery drain.

6. This is something I haven't noticed and doesn't really have a problem with so don't know what to tell you except what's already been said...try different browsers...

7. I don't seem to have a problem with this either..i love swype and even the regular keyboard has great text prediction and pop up for correction ... as for highlighting a word, just double tap on the word and if you want highlight a whole sentence, press down until the magnifier comes up and drag it until the end of the sentence/paragraph and delete. If you're coming from the buttons of a qwerty keyboard, the touchscreen keyboard does take some getting use to but i think it's awesome for the trade of how thick the phone would feel otherwise.

8. I've never had a BB and will never be interested as I think they look too cumbersome. I don't have the issue of the phone being too big, but the sensor can be bothersome as i will ear push buttons sometimes accidentally while it's still against my ear. I'm not sure what the complaint regarding texting is unless it's the keyboard which i've already addressed up there. I use a different home launcher application (Launcherpro) which i find to be MUCH better than the stock, maybe you can give that a try (it's free) and you'll get access to your text application right on the home screen.

hope that helps a little. I think you'll really enjoy it more once you get the hang of it. it's definitely a learning curve for anyone not coming from an android phone previously (myself included).

I think your suggestions for 1 and 2 were really great. They've both helped me with a few of the little quirks I was having with this phone. Thanks a lot. dancedroid
new to this forum. purchased the Blackberry Storm just shy of two years ago. did the early upgrade with verizon, waiving my credit and paying an extra $20 fee just to upgrade to a different phone.

now I will say that the Blackberry Storm was my first smartphone ever and it was such an improvement over my previous LG EnV, but the Droid X is so much better than the Blackberry it's not even close!