Some of the data presented in the thread has absolutely nothing to do with the argument, as stupid as it is.
1) The sales figures have no indication of something that is a superior product, just superior marketing.
2) The included SD card doesn't affect the awesomeness of the phone, just the cost effectiveness. Nexus even costs $20 less, so you could use that to upgrade the SD card.
3) Claiming the processor gap can be closed by overclocking the Droid is dumb because the gap could be reopened by overclocking the Nexus.
4) GPU improvement is nice, but are there any games on the market that are unplayable on the Nexus without it?
Screen density improvement on the Droid is negligible, both back-light option have pros and cons, the internal ram limitation can be negated by rooting and running your apps from the SD card, the shape/size/weight is a preference.
I'm playing devil's advocate, BTW. I love my droid and I can't see myself switching to the Nexus. I just don't like how the Nexus looks, and the hardware keyboard was such an improvement over my iphone that I just can't see myself going back.
To the OP: tell your friend, in the immortal words of Jeffrey Lebowski, "Yeah well, that's just like, your opinion, man."