so now that the phone is about a month old, what % of market apps run fine on ICS?



am holding off anything ICS until i can confirm that running apps on it is a non issue..... that and waiting for cm9

All I know is Netflix isnt perfected yet. Doesn't look HD on my nexus. I have downloaded the version from the forums.

NFL mobile works now but doesn't look HD in my book either.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I don't think it makes any sense to wait. I've not run into any apps that didn't work yet that I use.

If you want the Nexus just get it. But there is nothing wrong with the Thunderbolt either... it's up to you. But I wouldn't wait wondering if apps don't work. We would all be screaming if our apps didn't work... :)
A couple weeks ago I tried to run the TV Guide, and apps with disappointing results.
The video thing in skyfire doesn't work. I use that a lot when streaming videos and such. It saves bandwidth and seems to be much faster. Just get an error message when I use it or it shuts skyfire down completely
Watch ESPN app still does not work. As of last night, you still get an error page when you try to go to the screen to select your provider.