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So what is the advantage of WiFi vs. the Cell Network

speedtest app with wifi turned off

Sorry to repost comments from another thread but they seem relevant here. At my home sitting next to my router my WiFi speeds are 10-15 times faster than my 3G speeds where I seldom show more than 2 bars for my cell phone network connection.

On the other hand, I was on a trip a couple of weeks ago staying on the top floor of a small hotel that offered "free wifi." My 3G speed (both on my phone and my laptop) was about twice as fast as my wifi speed. My assumption is that the weak wifi signal on the top floor (without a repeater) and unknown speed of the hotel's connection to the internet accounted for the difference.

In short, like many questions, the answer to this one is "it depends." Interestingly, though, even when the speed difference is huge, as it is in my home, the user experience is not that different. (Of course, I'm not watching movies on my phone, either.)

Finally, as someone else noted, the use of wifi for internet tasks does make it possible to duplicate the iPhone's (GSM) ability to web surf and sit on hold at the same time. In that vein I find it amusing that AT&T has finally found a realistic situation in which being on the phone and accessing the web simultaneously is worth mentioning in their advertising. I'm not sure, however, that reminding people of the delights of being on hold for an extended period is the best advertising for a phone, especially as one uses precious phone minutes in the process.
...from my own personal experience it seems that the wifi is more efficient overall than the 3g, but I have no data to support my feeling.

you definitely raise a good point though. If WiFi transfers data enough faster it seems like any scenario would yield greater efficiency with Wifi.

3G = 300kbps & 210mA = 1.43kb/mA
WiFi = 1Mbps & 330mA = 3.03kb/mA

Any way you slice it, WiFi would be more efficient (assuming I'm making a logical calculation...). I think what probably gets you is keeping your 802.11 radio powered on while you *aren't* transferring data (say you're reading a web page that's already loaded). I'm not sure though...

I believe when the wifi radio is on and active the 3G turns off though, so you wont be using the 3G radio simultaneously. So the difference between idle on wifi and idle on 3G is probably minimal
we have Wi-fi at my job...but our old IT guy set it up and didnt tell anyone the password....is there a way to bypass or reset the password?
find the router and do a reset to defaults - usually hold down the reset button while powercycling the router
would I have to reinstall anything on computers or anything? how would I go about programming a new password? sorry never really used Wi-fi before....I dont even own a laptop haha. my desktop is wired into the router....but i soon shall be wireless at home.......i hope haha