Some Bugs Found on The GNex Could Be Part of The Delay!

If Verizon would come out and say "the phone is delayed because of serious bugs in the software that make the device practically unusable, but we're working to release it as soon as possible", I for one would be a lot more patient. It's the total silence that's frustrating.

from the silence, they make it hard not to believe that they just want to sell the razr more.
I'd believe this if Verizon had ever released a phone that wasn't plagued with bugs.

Sorry, we all know they don't test devices well enough, there is always some major flaws with their devices.
But 4.1.0 has already been pushed out to testers a couple of weeks ago or longer so we know that resolved a lot of issues and improved signal strength. It has also been suggested/posted that Verizon will have an OTA updated pushed out on launch day.

They downgraded the firmware on the test devices (and others that are out there early) a few days ago to 4.0.x for some reason and it started getting all buggy again.
This has been written by an guy on another Forum that has the GNex. Let me know what you Think!!!

Sounds like he got a faulty device because the other dude didnt experience that. He should go in to exchange it :rofl2: think they would give him another?
He bought a phone before it was released, there are bugs with the version he's using, call the local news stations.

There's a reason they have the 4.1 update ready for people once the phone goes public.

Do these people think all phones are created without bugs? Do they not know that they go through revision after revision after revision before being released?

There are literally dozens of builds from a phones conception to it's release and then after there is always an update when it's released publicly.
He bought a phone before it was released, there are bugs with the version he's using, call the local news stations.

There's a reason they have the 4.1 update ready for people once the phone goes public.

Do these people think all phones are created without bugs? Do they not know that they go through revision after revision after revision before being released?

There are literally dozens of builds from a phones conception to it's release and then after there is always an update when it's released publicly.
Really? no way!! ;)
Padding your post count got old 2 weeks ago ilike.

And the complaints from the rest of the world where it's in the wild? Missed it somehow...

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I was commenting on the obvious nature of your post. I stand by it, not post padding.

Apparently it isn't obvious to many in the thread, as they were commenting on a post from another forum about someone complaining about bugs when they bought a phone that isn't released yet.
Apparently it isn't obvious to many in the thread, as they were commenting on a post from another forum about someone complaining about bugs when they bought a phone that isn't released yet.
I apologize i really didnt mean to upset you dude. You seem a bit tense so im not going to ague. il limit my sarcasm with you (not good for everyone). So :happy3: we are relaxed now, i can say i think people expect to have bugs even after they get their released phone. I sure would.
I'm not upset, I just pointed out that what I said was relevant to this thread and the idea that the bugs being reported are normal for a device that is in pre-release.