I mean, it's a repair job the way they described it. IF I get approved to have it fixed, that is. It's not like they're sending me a replacement. I can see how you'd expect a fast turn around there, but have you seen the iFixit info on that back glass? Looks like a PITA to replace. Now, they may have better equipment for doing such a thing, but it's still gotta travel to wherever it's going, go through check-in once it gets there, I'm sure, get fixed, (hopefully) go through some QA to ensure it was done properly and will last, then be sent back.
It may well have to go to China. That's where they're headquartered. They have a "hub" here in the States, but I'm wondering if that's more than a warehouse and/or call center. They may not be setup to do repairs here yet.
We'll see what happens. They may just deny me and then this will all be over. I'm hoping that's not the case, because that'll mean I'll think a LOT longer before I buy a device from then again. As I've said, I can live with this little crack. It's actually hard to see unless you know what you're looking for and where it is. If this is the worst it gets, then I can cope with that.
If I end up with dust and dirt blocking my camera or it shatters worse, They'll get a very aggressive piece of my mind.
I'd rather wait 2 weeks than have them rush it and do a crappy job/send me something worse than I'm sending them.
I've got the wife's old S3 that I can use while I wait. Sure, it'll suck for at least a few days while I learn to cope with the smaller screen and lower specs, but it'll still keep me in touch with people while I wait. IF they'll fix it.
So, if they say they won't fix it or fix it and then it happens spontaneously again, THAT's when I'll escalate the situation. I get what you're saying, but I'm not one to push until I have to push BACK. I'll give them the chance to make things right before I start blasting them.
It may well have to go to China. That's where they're headquartered. They have a "hub" here in the States, but I'm wondering if that's more than a warehouse and/or call center. They may not be setup to do repairs here yet.
We'll see what happens. They may just deny me and then this will all be over. I'm hoping that's not the case, because that'll mean I'll think a LOT longer before I buy a device from then again. As I've said, I can live with this little crack. It's actually hard to see unless you know what you're looking for and where it is. If this is the worst it gets, then I can cope with that.
If I end up with dust and dirt blocking my camera or it shatters worse, They'll get a very aggressive piece of my mind.
I'd rather wait 2 weeks than have them rush it and do a crappy job/send me something worse than I'm sending them.
I've got the wife's old S3 that I can use while I wait. Sure, it'll suck for at least a few days while I learn to cope with the smaller screen and lower specs, but it'll still keep me in touch with people while I wait. IF they'll fix it.
So, if they say they won't fix it or fix it and then it happens spontaneously again, THAT's when I'll escalate the situation. I get what you're saying, but I'm not one to push until I have to push BACK. I'll give them the chance to make things right before I start blasting them.