I google 'Droid X' all day in order to see if any new news has popped up. I came across this interesting piece of information:
In the meantime, the question you probably want answered is "Should I switch my order from Droid Incredible to Droid X?
Let's do a comparison. The major difference between the Droid X and Droid Incredible is that the Droid X has keyboard, if you are a heavy texter/emailer, you probably need the keyboard.
Aparently, no one has seen a picture of what this phone looks like yet. It HAS A KEYBOARD!!!!
If you would like to see the genius report yourself here is the link:
Droid Incredible Delayed Mo', Droid X Substituted - Droid Incredible vs Droid X - WIRELESS AND MOBILE NEWS
Thought I might entertain some of you.
They must have edited the article, i don't see their mention of a Keyboard other than virtual.
yes, the did, i just read their note..