Silver Member
The problem is you need $$$ for marketing in the USA, something Sony is lacking lately, Sony has been bleeding $$ for years now.
I wouldn't go that far. Sony still makes a quality product. Their latest phones are amazing, their SLR/DSLR cameras are great, the PS4 and their line of HDTVs are great.The quality of Sony products has been dropping like a rock for over a decade. Now, Sony means "DO NOT BUY!".
The fact of the matter is, Sony has always been the more expensive brand in the mid level market and after the economy tanked, they never lowered their prices to be competitive with the huge influx of equally compatible products.
I'll admit that I'm a bit OCD about all my brands being the same. Heck, my 15 year old cat is even named Sony!
Plus, they made almost everything in electronics, and I'll admit that I'm a bit OCD about all my brands being the same. Heck, my 15 year old cat is even named Sony!
. I like logging in to my Samsung account and looking up warranty info on all of my devices.
I like buying devices where I don't have to worry about warranty
A device that doesn't require a warranty....what a concept! LOL
S5 tap'n