Get the Droid and don't look back; nothing can beat it! Chicks dig Droid dudes....:icon_ lala:
Dont forget, dudes dig droid chicks ;D
i guess... *thinks*
Edit: oh yeah, the topic.
Im getting my droid on friday, and i can tell you already, that this phone is the absolute best phone for a techie person. If you like to completly and utterly customize your phone, then the droid is for you.
i'd hate to take something from apples mouth, but, if you can think of something, theres probably an app for it.
For starters, shoot me a PM if you wanna get some app ideas. =]
Edit2: this phone starts out with the bare basics. EVERYTHING is all about the apps. You gotta get apps for it. And even thenso, you gotta get apps to replace the stock programs. such as handcent instead of the stock sms program, and dolphin instead of the stock browser, stuff like that. just remember the phone is majorly app oriented. (and most apps are free, or have a free version.)