install the full 2.2 clean not over 2 other versions.
the reason this one was done was because the other 2 were messed up .
Chizzle please update the OP of the 2.2 full version to state Please wipe data and cache and install clean. The rom comes with the old market for compatibility reasons you can update the market to newer version through experimental app #3 or any of the themes.
Chizzle you having any of these problems people are listing because i can not reproduce any of them here. everything is working here.
FYI- me and chizzle are doing our best to support this rom. but without installing this latest version clean its hard to figure out what the problems are. This build of the rom has been out since jan or feb and has had none of these problems. so its most likely just app compatibility problem. Sourcery will not be rebuilt, a rebuild would break all the themes. but we can play around with newer apps in the install if we narrow down the problems.
but i have tried out each \and every problem listed here since that 2.2 full release appeared and have had no problems, and unable to reproduce any of them. so not sure where the incompatibilities lye.