Any time always happy to offer suppourcery lol
lol thanks man -- my sourcery is truly perfect nowi've got it JUST how i like it ..... thanks a million for all the hard work.
so what's next for mr. gflam?? when is that app of yours coming out? if your past work is any indication of the quality of this app you're working on, i know it'll be awesome
:rofl3: LOL im sorry but that's effing brilliant!
My friend DWB definitely can turn a phrase.
you darn right -- we're talkin' bout DWB and we can dig it lol
App comes out tonight at midnight it's all already uploaded, screen shoted, described etc all i have left is to hit that publish button tonight. It's an original idea but nothing to crazy since it is my first time like really in depthly working with java. I have gotten pretty good responses though from those that have already tried it so hopefully the rest of u will like it too but look for it tonight at midnight eastern time that is.
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