I just want to make it clear. that the animations are made by a guy named stale bread(yes thats the neame he goes by)
he actually made them back in august from what i have found. but i happened to come across them in the beginning of December as did most when they became popular. I had seen post after post of people not being able to install them. and i thought they were cool. so i made a piece and parts of them for our stock package and we made all the ones avavilble avavilable in the thmes section to easily change them including stock straight from froyo for anyone that didnt like them. as youve seen with this rom we have tried to make many things just easier.
I am Happy everyone is liking the rom so much. remember this is our first release.
And we will add more features, but do not expect us to be a CM or UD or Saphire clone. we will not be going in that directions. Yes we want everyone to use our rom. but we want you to use it because its Sourcery not because it does what cm does but its not cm.
if that makes sense
Theme avavilabilty will increase for those of you that dont like what we decided on for our initial release. we wanted something for everyone. and blame the Christmas one on me that might of caused you a gingerbread theme but we released on Christmas
and Lady Angler and team did a fantastic job on that theme. and I thank them for allowing us to use it.
I can tell you you havent seen anything yet!
as gflam said once we get out own section we will post a request thread. if we dont get our own slot we will put something up on the website but we do have a bug report section up and you can throw them there if you like.
As we've said we both started from scratch with knowledge so we learn as we go along.
We will definatley try to add the most popular feature requests.
It difficult because all the stuff these days is being designed for cm and they do things differently. I want gestures
and i will be working on those first
Thanks again all dont forget to stop by #sourcery and say hi!