I debated about this on the "Fun With Speech to Text" thread. I hate that I can't disable the feature. It literally makes me use a great feature like Speech to Text A LOT less than I would. I am by no means a potty mouth but I'm also an adult; I use cuss words around my girlfriend, coworkers, my boss, hell, even my mom on occasion! It's part of my language and I think it's bull...####? that it gets censored, while other people use lame words like darn, dang, crap, dag nabbit, dod gammit, shenanigans, etc... in their daily conversations and those words don't get censored even though all they are is corny ways around the filters.
If you're typing or doing research and can't handle a cuss word, you're not much of an adult; if you're a kid, you should have adult supervision anyway.