Webmastuh: try contacting Steinheil. They can probably assist you over the phone and will probably gladly send you another package.
It really can be done well, but I'll admit that even for a dude with prior Zagg experience, as well as cutting my own from the 3M product Zagg uses, it is a bit tricky. Again, they may be able to offer some advice via phone that will help.
Going "naked" is always a option. But if a screen protector is what you want/need, Steinheil is tops, IMO.
It really can be done well, but I'll admit that even for a dude with prior Zagg experience, as well as cutting my own from the 3M product Zagg uses, it is a bit tricky. Again, they may be able to offer some advice via phone that will help.
Going "naked" is always a option. But if a screen protector is what you want/need, Steinheil is tops, IMO.