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It is funny how many of ios5 updates are totally stolen from Android....even the ipad stole tabbed browsing from Honeycomb ....they have no room to say a word...
Although he was a genius and an innovator and I have respect for his work, these things taint his legacy, in my opinion, and I think people need to be fair and look at the whole picture. He's not the black turtlenecked Jesus of technology. It's not so different than how we view other legends of their fields, like Michael Jordan, who's competitive drive is well-documented (he punched his own teammates, gambled on everything, and had no ounce of graciousness during his Hall of Fame speech).
Great comparison. I never liked Jordan, absolutely phenomenal basketball player but from the books I have read and the stories, he was not all that fun to be around.
With that being said, I think that type of attitude is also what pushes someone like Jordan and Jobs to the top of their "game". Certainly it rubs people wrong, rightfully so, but it keeps them pushing themselves. There is a chip on their shoulder, for whatever reason, that makes them want to be the best and not care what anybody else thinks or does. It certainly doesn't make it right to treat people like dirt. Truth is, he was far more innovative than some will give him credit for. Who knows though, maybe this writer just has a crazy vendetta against Jobs or maybe he really just was a jerk. I will end with this, whether or not he was a jerk has nothing to do with his innovations.
Ugh, I've been sickened by the SJ hero worship. Innovation, passion, genius, hypocrisy, and motivation does not by any means make you a great man. All he did is trade a lifetime of invention for a life time of ethics. Any one who does that will lose every time.
Its crazy how much of a parallel this whole steve jobs thing is with the late raiders owner al davis. When they were alive they were over the top, control freaks who, to the belief of many, hindered their product with their inability to relinquish all control. Then they die and they all that gets changed to "passionate." Now I'm not saying let's all spit on jobs' grave but I don't consider it disrepectful to say the same things you would say if the man was still alive.
How many times have you heard people on tv or at a funeral claim that someone like a drug-dealing, triple murder suspect was a "good father & role model"? Same thing here. Just once I'd like they to just up and say "The man was a ______" and not sugar coat it.
Here's one thing I do know to be true, not a single one of us know tthe man personally or the writer of this biography. These things he said could be true but they may not be as well. Unfortunately we may never hear the other side.
To be or not to be........................wait what was the question? This signature has been Tapatalk approved.
Steve Jobs was crazy. I don't care if he died, that doesn't mean people should suddenly be speaking well of his idiotic views and ignoring how nuts and wrong he was at certain things. Yes, there were some fantastic things that he did. He really was a good innovator. It is a tragedy that he died. But to ignore the fact that these quotes from him are just nuts is ludicrous. /rant.u
I dont ever want 2 hate anybody or any company like that cos when WE do,it only hurts US.Someone on this site has some wise words 4 us when it comes 2 hate.
Anyway i think its kind of bs with him getting mad about people stealing his ideas when thats literally what he did. For instance the mouse he didn't invent it but is kften given credit for it since he made it better. The ipod is just abetter mp3 player he literally all throight out his life took something and made it better so to me its a bit hypocritical to say things like they stole this etc.
Couldn't say it any better. Apple just took things that other developed and made them, at times better/newer. Kind of like Google did with Android. Maybe that's what got him so mad, he realized he'd been outdone at his own game.