We're not disney....that is considered foul language here. Name calling is not allowed here. I sent you a pm. If you keep it up I will end it for you.
Sent from somewhere...
Sent from somewhere...
Umm .. on the topic ... try going on bestbuy.com and see if u can do a store pick up they would send it to the store for you. My vzw store doesn't sell them here but I was in Tampa and they has them there that's where I got mine.
I would just search stores websites around you and see if you're able to do in store pick up.
Just so you know its a great case but made my DX HUGE! I love it because its protected and all hut its very bulky. Doesn't bother me but might for you. Also if you do get one hang on to everything cuz a lot of people said theirs has broken.
Good luck! Hope this helped.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Anybody know where I can get one with one of those debit/gift cards from visa? I cant do it on ebay
Anybody know where I can get one with one of those debit/gift cards from visa? I cant do it on ebay
Any grocery store or walmart. Or your bank.