I use an average of 24gb a month and i've never tethered once, but yeah as you stated I stream a TON of music, they better not limit my awesome.
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24 GB !!!
What, do you stream 24/7?!
I use an average of 24gb a month and i've never tethered once, but yeah as you stated I stream a TON of music, they better not limit my awesome.
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
I use an average of 24gb a month and i've never tethered once, but yeah as you stated I stream a TON of music, they better not limit my awesome.
Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums App
24 GB !!!
What, do you stream 24/7?!
I'm just going to assume the carriers paid Bytemobile for this study. I looked for an answer but could not find one & I know they didn't do it out of the kindness of their hearts. These same kinds of studies were used as justification for bucket internet in test markets for Time Warner Cable.
Frankly I'm sick of hearing about congestion from the carriers. If they can't meet demand (which I know they can) they need to stop adding customers they can't support.
@ New2u - Exactly. I'm so sick of companies offering UNLIMITED but in the fine text they do everything they can to limit the unlimited. Either that or they complain acting like they are the victims when they were the ones flaunting their "unlimited" data plans on TV. Why complain about 3G usage when Verizon releases a phone (Droid 1) that can't keep a WiFi signal?
Why doesn't Verizon have a 2GB plan? I mean no one with a smartphone is going to do the 150MB plan. I'm sure a lot of us would go to the 2GB plan - hoping that they keep an Unlimited Plan (maybe charge $10/mo more for that?).
Really, why would you be watching all that many movies on your smartphone? If I had a physical copy, maybe on an airplane but that's not streaming. Don't get the obsession with streaming, I think a large part of it is people do it just because it's cool that they can.
Streaming in general is of course just because I can, I use it for pandora, slacker, and other radio apps. Also for NFL and Yahoo Football Apps, and yes its useful and "just because I can." If I couldnt I would be forced to tell a person, "hey wait till we get by a computer so I can load this video" fail.