Ok... So... If Gingerbread doesn't come out before July 1st, then I'm going to root my phone. I've read a lot, but still have questions.
If I root unrEVOked, then can I still run Cyanamogod (sp?)?
- If I can, then where would I go to get it?
I plan on using a Kernel to underclock (overclock, not sure which), so that my phone will last longer...
- Is there a certain one that I should use?
- And where can I find kernels to use?
After I root, will I lose my contacts? Or any of the apps that I paid for? Or will all my apps be under my gmail app and all I have to do is redownload them?
That's all I can think of at the moment... If you have advice to give, then it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance everyone! :icon_ banana: