You're absolutely right. They did the same with the blackberry storm which is the reason I left blackberry. They released it months ahead of time so they'd make huge benefits come christmas time and that's the worst device i ever owned.
They need to test these phones....not one or two but hundreds of them. And if it seems as though it's not ready for market don't release it. People spend money on this stuff.
All companies do this crap it's annoying. Apple did it with their antennas recall on their iphone. This phone battery is the obviously the biggest problem.
Idk how much worse a phones battery can get then on the thunderbolt. I love this phone...but just that damn battery pisses me off. How do u put a 1400 on a 4.3 inch screen with 4g lol I find it humorous. The iphone has the same battery on a 3.5 inch screen, 3g only, plus android system is known to consume a lot of battery.
That's the one thing I prefer about motorola and samsung, battery. My dx had a great battery considering I never changed the settings for it. Going a day on stock was not a problem. Never rooted it, never bothered changing settings much.
The bean counters do their number crunching. They look at the number of lost sales from a 1 month delay, plus possible manufacturing and development costs, and contrast that to the maybe 5-10% of consumers that will get mad enough to actually return the phone. Whichever one costs them less, is what they do.
There is no way that HTC and VZW were unaware that the TB had the worst battery life of any phone on the market. They absolutely knew it. But they spent a ton of money on advertizing, and if they delayed it any longer then they would get bad press for "having to delay the phone because it is buggy", not to mention letting AT&T and the Atrix getting the jump on them.
So they released a junk phone, knowingly.
It's like game companies. They have a deadline, they have a game that still needs work, so they release it anyway and justify it by saying that "we can always fix it with patches later"...
And because most of us run out to get that shiny new phone or game anyway, they make tens of millions of dollars and get away with it.
This is the kind of crap that the FCC or some consumer group should be dealing with. Not worrying about whether Stern or Opie and Anthony say the word penis on the air. Seeing how integral smart phones are as a communications device in today's world, they need to crack down on these companies that knowingly put out defective products, which in essense is fraud when you think about it.
If Ford puts out a car that they knew had issues, even ones not related to safety, they come under fire, have to issue recalls and stuff, etc...
So why not smart phones? It's not just a novelty any more. These devices are how people communicate, they are how business gets done.
HTC and VZW should be ashamed of themselves, but they are not. After all, they are making money hand over fist for something that they knew to be defective. There is no accountability, they are rewarded for what they are doing, and that is why it will never change.