I have to agree with this. Stock android now means bare bones. At the beginning, many people liked android because it was much more customizable than IOS. Then launchers came along and upped the ante. I've been waiting for the newest version of android to include some of these functions, but it's been around 2 years since launchers came out and android has not included most of the basic launcher features.
Some reviewers have criticized LG for some aspects of its software, but I say they didn't go far enough. While the G2 is much more customizable out of the box than just about any other android phone, it still lacks a few launcher features that I like such as being able to choose my grid/icon sizes.
Until stock android starts including these features, I'm all for fragmentation. I think Samsung, LG, moto and even HTC have been adding some great features to their software & it's about time that Google stood up and took notice.
Then again, maybe that's how Google wants it. They build the frame and the oem's add the rest of the car.