Swift key x vs swype vs stock


Nov 18, 2011
Reaction score
Which does everyone prefer??

I'm leaning towards swift key x.

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When I had my DX I used Swiftkey X but with ICS I actually prefer the stock keyboard. Works really well for me.

Sent from Hex's GNex
Swype is the best for me. I like swift key.

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No but there is a link in forums to download it.

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ahh thank you.

i actually just installed slidIT keyboard that i'd purchased previously. it seems to work great on the GN. the auto correct works all the time too, something the stock keyboard is hit or miss with.
I can't believe A.I.type doesn't get more recognition. I actually think it predicts and corrects more accurately than Swiftkey, and I've used Swiftkey for over a year.

I say that right now it is a draw between the latest version of Swype (that has implemented Dragon Dictation and context sensitive correction) and A.I.type.

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I can't believe A.I.type doesn't get more recognition. I actually think it predicts and corrects more accurately than Swiftkey, and I've used Swiftkey for over a year.

I say that right now it is a draw between the latest version of Swype (that has implemented Dragon Dictation and context sensitive correction) and A.I.type.

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What's ai type

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I've used SwiftKey for better than a year, but I'm going to try A.I. Type for a bit. I can't say anything bad about SwiftKey though.

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I tried AI and I don't think it's close to as good as swiftkey. They have way too many choices at the top while swiftkey has three large ones and usually one of them is correct. I don't need AI asking me which 9 small ones are the best.

Also with use swiftkey learns what words you use most and guesses them very well. On my Bionic I was cruising on it before I moved to the Gnex. In a month I'll be going just as fast on the Gnex.