Swift key x vs swype vs stock


If you made the suggestions large like swiftkey and had only three it would be so much easier to use. Keep in mind it takes too long to read how many you provide. With less options and a larger typeface you move much faster.

If you want to beat swiftkey I would also suggest designing a better keyboard. I've always felt swiftkey's keyboard crams too much into the space provided. I would like bigger keys - more like the IPhone keyboard layout.

Swiftkey is very good and you have a tough road to compete with them - but I would definitely switch for a better spaced keyboard and good prediction.

Hi SSHGuru,

Thank you for your feedback.

If we added a setting for the number of visible suggestions, would it make A.I.type easier for you to use?

The reason why we provide so many potential suggestions is that we predict your next word or complete your current word by using 3 layers of knowledge: we predict from words and text patterns we learned from you (your keyboard is learning your language and style from the moment you start typing), we use a local Predictionary - a very smart prediction database that is installed on your device, and - we complete the suggestion list with data coming from our cloud servers - if you allow it. Having said that, we can easily add configuration for maximum number of suggestions.

Thanks again,

Noam Rotem
SWYPE is the one for me. In fact, not having swype was a hindrance for me and my new Nexus. Now that I have it, nirvana!

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Swipe was the first company out of the gates with an alternative method of entering text and even I used it for a short time. However it's completely unnatural to use and after using Swiftkey which guesses your words I can't even imagine going back.

To each their own. At least unlike the IPhone we can pick our keyboards.
Swiftkey is very good and you have a tough road to compete with them - but I would definitely switch for a better spaced keyboard and good prediction.

I agree - Swiftkey is an excellent product. However, users tell us we give a very good fight, and many of them tell us they prefer A.I.type on Swiftkey. I guess it's still a matter of taste. Our prediction and accuracy are definitely comparable to Swiftkey. I can send you comparison test results and summaries.

As for button size - have you tried our iPhone, Win Phone 7 and Windows 8 Tablet themes? Their buttons are pretty wide... And today we are releasing the ICS theme, which is not as wide but almost.
Swipe was the first company out of the gates with an alternative method of entering text and even I used it for a short time. However it's completely unnatural to use and after using Swiftkey which guesses your words I can't even imagine going back.

To each their own. At least unlike the IPhone we can pick our keyboards.

I hate the keyboard size on swiftkey

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I disagree on whether or not SWYPE is unnatural to type with: the moving from letter to letter to connect is most efficient. Swift key, you still have to tippy type each letter. They both have autocorrect, and yes the predictive part of swift key does excel, but I have no problems with the SWYPE version. Hopefully you go to www.Swype.com and learn the advance keystrokes that make it even more useful!

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Just switched from swiftkey to A.I and wow, I am impressed. The larger keyboard and more common sense customizations make for a better experience.

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Just switched from swiftkey to A.I and wow, I am impressed. The larger keyboard and more common sense customizations make for a better experience.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Glad I could spread awareness of this awesome keyboard. I used Swiftkey consistently for over a year and never thought anyone could dethrone it. Then A.I.type came along and changed the game. The number one thing most of us do on our smartphones is type. Most apps have some sort of text entry in them. So, for me, having the best keyboard is important. Essential. Required. Etc etc. Hopefully more folks will give this a look. I've been in love with A.I.type since the sound the keyboard made after its first auto-correction lol.

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