have you guys seen the swype commercial on the samsung phone? when i first started swyping, i was going really slow, and trying to be really accurate. but it just ended up taking longer than if i was using a stock keyboard. in the commercial, the dude just hauls arse and is all over the place, then at the end, he does all the corrections, instead of doing them as they happen. i've started doing this as well, and i seem to be faster than i was before...
Yes, that's a tip I picked up early on. On the other hand, doing the corrections does add to the overall time required (though it somehow feels like it's "free") so I'm not sure that the overall experience isn't very close to a good tapping method.
P.S. Don't get me wrong. I love Swype and use it frequently, especially for input of three or four lines of text. But with the new text-to-speech feature that's supported on the HTC (but not on Swype) I'm finding that it may be an overall superior solution.