Wow, I think I might have found the right thread? I have Swype + Handcent, but not Shapewriter. My problem is sending Handcent messages to an email address. 100% is sent, but only 10% is received, the rest are blanks.Tried uninstalling etc, no luck.
Your input?
Hooked on DROID
It's an interesting one allright...OK Let me see if I can describe where I'm at with this thing. I like the way Matth3w laid it out so I'm going to use his format..BTW, mine is chronological. When I started out I had Swype/Shapewriter/Handcent all installed on the phone. Now, I also noted that your issue was with emails, not sms/mms...thats ok, so was mine so what I'm saying effected that also. Here goes...
Swype + Handcent (HC) = garbled text
Shapewriter (SW) + HC = garbled text
Swype + OEM = garbled text (HC deleted, SW deleted)
SW + OEM sms/mms/email = perfect (Swype deleted) (on day 4 error free and thats good enough for me)
Today, I re-downloaded Swype but NOT off any forum links. I went straight to the Swype website (
Download Swype for Android Beta | Android Central ) and followed their directions for the Droid. So far it has been flawless. (96 texts, 1 email) I am using it with the OEM sms/mms/email system. I still have SW installed but it is deactivated.
If Swype continues to perform perfectly with the OEM system then in about 2 - 3 days, I will reintroduce Handcent and see if the problem resurfaces. If it does not then it was either a faulty link, a faulty download or both, that I initially had.
To deal with your issue..try sending your email using the OEM texting system with Swype. Shut down Handcent....see if that works and see what happens.
Good luck...I'd like to know what happened so please post results or PM me...Thanks...:icon_ devil: