
Here is my 2 cents. When I first tried it out, did not care of it one but. Then when I was in the waiting room at the clinic, decided to give it another go.

I had to learn to trust it. And now it is blazing fast texting!!! When I text or e-mail I use Swype. The only time I dont is when inputting user names and passwords.

Trust in the Swype, you will love it!
ok, just downloaded it. hmmmm, for me, the jury is still out. guess i'll play with it a bit today and see if i can get used to it. Since this is my first ever touch screen phone, and ive never been much of a phone geek to begin with, its def. gonna take some getting used to. Ive always been a K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) kinda guy, and this Droid just does SO friggin much, im still in my learning curve.
Tried it, really wanted to like it, but I type with two hands, not one finger and I just couldn't get use to holding it in portrait mode. Found it totally unreliable for finding the correct words, I think I tried to spell "technical" at least a dozen times.

Took the tutorial but it didn't help, like I said I type with two hands. I'm sure it will be of benefit to me if God forbid I lose a hand. In the meantime, I'll just stay with Better Keyboard (Android).
so far im with you, Hook. ive never been a one finger typer, thats why its been difficult for me to get used to. On my BB, i could text like a mofo, but on this thing, with swype, its just not happening yet. maybe swype was designed for people who could only use one finger pecking on the keyboards of their laptops? :D
Swype is astounding. I also installed it on my wife's Eris. She had to suffer with Shapewriter for a couple of weeks until Swype was made "available" for her Eris.
iv tried swype but it's just not my thing glad everyone else likes it though

You must not have done below then, if you did, you would be in love.

The tutorial is a MUST.

Once you understand how it works the thing is godly.

Exactly.... those not liking it must not know how to use it.

No. I know how to use it. You got to understand in this world one size doesn't fit all.

I'm not trying to make myself sound superior or anything like that, but I'm a trained typist, which means I type without looking, I'm not a hunt and pick guy and I use the home keys. I know where every key on the keyboard is at. But for me using one hand after doing it this way for well, lets just say more the a few decades, it was impossible for me to adjust.

But hey that doesn't make it a bad app just because some of us can't use it. It just means some of us are either to thick headed to get it, or just plain can't change our ways.:)
I love swype not only is it the best thing to show off to your friends but it makes typing on the screen keyboard so much easier.I am amazed at how accurate it is even when I know I screwed up lol. this is a must have for everyone in my opinion.I wrote this while reply with it lol.
You must be a midget.... lol I can't get two fingers on the keyboard at the same time... lmao


p.s. my typing classes were on a manual typewriter...... so I'm right there with ya... lol
Swype on Amazon app

Been using Swype for about a month on the Droid and love it. And other than a few hiccups that may well have been user error, it's been rock solid.

Last night, however, I tried looking up a product on the built-in Amazon.com app on the Droid. To my surprise, the search field would not accept the swype search. Instead, I had to type the words with individual letters.

Anyone else have this experience on that app or others?
Just tried this and it's not bad. I'm going to give it a try for a few days and see how I like it. I didn't notice this but it just came to my head, other than the swiping feature, is the keyboard layout pretty much identical to the core Droid keyboard system? Like, am I losing any kind of special features by switching to the Swype board?
Used Swype for about a month and got rid of it. I hated to do it but I found that it garbles longer text messages (MMS) and email. It's great if all you send is one liners...but when dealing with a banker or broker...stay away...or confirm everything.

Having said that, I loved the program and its ease of use...but I need to know that what I send is precise and that NOTHING is omitted or altered. Since I went back to the keyboard a few days ago, I haven't had 1 single problem...so it's not VZN and it's not the phone....and I got rid of handcent a long time ago also. Pretty much back to OEM.

There are some threads about this (garbled text) when using Swype. Some research may save you some headaches down the road.

Keep in mind...you get what you pay for...:icon_ devil:
Used Swype for about a month and got rid of it. I hated to do it but I found that it garbles longer text messages (MMS) and email. It's great if all you send is one liners...but when dealing with a banker or broker...stay away...or confirm everything.

Having said that, I loved the program and its ease of use...but I need to know that what I send is precise and that NOTHING is omitted or altered. Since I went back to the keyboard a few days ago, I haven't had 1 single problem...so it's not VZN and it's not the phone....and I got rid of handcent a long time ago also. Pretty much back to OEM.

There are some threads about this (garbled text) when using Swype. Some research may save you some headaches down the road.

Keep in mind...you get what you pay for...:icon_ devil:

I've experienced some garbled text in long entries, as well. The "garbling" occurs in my case when the cursor seemingly moves up in the text and my entry begins to be placed in the body of the text. I'm not convinced, however, that the problem is not user error.

In any event, the advice to review instructions to one's broker is very good advice regardless of the input message used.