Silver Member
I have unlimited and I still use my wifi at home, because I have unlimited does not give me the right to abuse it, why should I clog up the network while I am at home on my wifi that I am already paying for. When I am out and about is when the data get's used, heck, since I owned my HTC Incredible with unlimited data, I never once went over 5 Gigs a month, even while listening to streaming music and browsing the web.Honestly I think from time to time what's the point of super fast 4g if i can only use 4gb month on verizon? I could destroy that amount in a day but instead since im limited i use my wifi and my laptop at home to avoid it.
I am not constantly on my phone "as I do have a life", unless you stream lot's of PRON "unless you are quick silver, then it won't matter:biggrin:", and HD youTube, then yes, 4 Gigs might not be enough for you.