Taking care of the second Bionic battery.

Li Ion batteries do not lose their charge fast. Just a bit every week. Just a guess on what a bit is would be is a few percent every week off the charger. You might not even need to recharge.
Just picked up the extended and was very close to grabbing the Verizon charger/extra battery. They told me it charged both sizes. I am wondering if folks grabbed that charger or a 3rd party
Was told to refrigerate charged at ~40%. check charge every 15 days but do not use its charge cycles. Having said that, unless abused by full discharging, your Li-Ion batteries should last for a while, so i don't think you'll find much use for a 3rd one. ever. Google refrigerate Li-Ion.

I'll call my VZW store tomorrow to ask if they have any battery docks for me and will try to swap the two regular batteries (one that comes with the dock and one that comes with the phone) for an extended one. This will give me two extended batteries. 5520 mAh should last me a day :)
Charge to half and store in a cool dry place.

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The problem is how do you charge the extra while you are using your phone.

I bought the extended battery too and it seems like a waste. I am getting 9hrs and 50% use/left with my Bionic
I too bought the extended battery at 50% off. Not even sure I need it since it seems like I can go from 7am to 10 pm on the standard battery when I use the aggressive battery saver setting. Heck, as a test last night I shut the screen off at 81% last night, went to bed, then 7 hours later woke up and circle battery said it was still 79%!!!!! Ridiculous! !! I love it.

I got over 30 hours from the extended battery. I plan to really only use it on trips or when im going out right after work and and crashing at the gf's house ;-)

No doubt, im very satisfied with battery life. Aggressive battery profile FTW!!!!! It just plain works.

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No doubt, im very satisfied with battery life. Aggressive battery profile FTW!!!!! It just plain works.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

Are you referring too one of the pre-set battery savers or something different?
Are you referring too one of the pre-set battery savers or something different?

Oops its called maximum battery saver. In The settings. I took phone off charger at 730 am, its 645pm and circle says 44% remaining on the standard battery. Light to moderate use, listened to 90 min of music on power amp while cycling, read the news for about 20 min, took a few calls. my OG would be toast by now.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Weird and Wonderful Batteries - Battery Universityere is a good article.