Ozzie the only way this has become clear to me was installing system panel. This app shows you each app and the cpu power it uses or doesn't use. Android closes apps as it needs to so their is no real need to kill them.
Hi guys. Just recently got the Droid. I use the Advanced Task Killer to kill apps that run in the background that are annoyance. These apps run without me even touching them, having never touched them, and will never touch them. These apps are: MP3 Store, Corporate Calendar, Voice Dialer, Car Home and Voice Search. I have it set up so it won't kill Gmail, Facebook and Messaging as that is mainly what i use my phone for. It also seems that Weatherbug runs in the background every 30 min or so even though I rarely use it and have all the preferences turned off that enables updates.
Any help would be appreciated. Should I continue to run that task killer when these random Apps start up? Is there a way to get rid of Mp3 store and corporate calendar off my phone because i will never use it? Thanks!
Hi guys. Just recently got the Droid. I use the Advanced Task Killer to kill apps that run in the background that are annoyance. These apps run without me even touching them, having never touched them, and will never touch them. These apps are: MP3 Store, Corporate Calendar, Voice Dialer, Car Home and Voice Search. I have it set up so it won't kill Gmail, Facebook and Messaging as that is mainly what i use my phone for. It also seems that Weatherbug runs in the background every 30 min or so even though I rarely use it and have all the preferences turned off that enables updates.
Any help would be appreciated. Should I continue to run that task killer when these random Apps start up? Is there a way to get rid of Mp3 store and corporate calendar off my phone because i will never use it? Thanks!
Personally I wouldn't use a task manager.
If you are rooted (hopefully you are) AutoKiller or minfree are both
awesome apps. You can delete the MP3 Amazon app easily if you're rooted. Rename the apk extension to .bak, then restart (although you don't have to) App gone.
Other apps like Corporate calendar may be tied to the regular calendar
which is why it pops up. It doesn't mean its actually running or consuming
valuable space.
Btw, if you never had that task killer you'd never really know those apps were
there, right?![]()
Hi guys. Just recently got the Droid. I use the Advanced Task Killer to kill apps that run in the background that are annoyance. These apps run without me even touching them, having never touched them, and will never touch them. These apps are: MP3 Store, Corporate Calendar, Voice Dialer, Car Home and Voice Search. I have it set up so it won't kill Gmail, Facebook and Messaging as that is mainly what i use my phone for. It also seems that Weatherbug runs in the background every 30 min or so even though I rarely use it and have all the preferences turned off that enables updates.
Any help would be appreciated. Should I continue to run that task killer when these random Apps start up? Is there a way to get rid of Mp3 store and corporate calendar off my phone because i will never use it? Thanks!
Personally I wouldn't use a task manager.
If you are rooted (hopefully you are) AutoKiller or minfree are both
awesome apps. You can delete the MP3 Amazon app easily if you're rooted. Rename the apk extension to .bak, then restart (although you don't have to) App gone.
Other apps like Corporate calendar may be tied to the regular calendar
which is why it pops up. It doesn't mean its actually running or consuming
valuable space.
Btw, if you never had that task killer you'd never really know those apps were
there, right?![]()
I found AutoKiller to be worthless.
JohnnyDepth, read the opening post for the real story about task killers.
If you have to use a Task Killer to get your phone to run right you are doing something wrong.
What about my example where Google voice search hangs? It's a known Android bug. It just craps out and won't start up again. One way to fix it is to reboot the phone. The other way is to kill the task.
I think that your statement is the right advice to give, but won't you admit that once in a while a Ctrl+Alt+Del type method is needed to kill a task?
whatever app(s) is causing the poor performance.what "bunk apps" are you talking about cereal killer?
Um, you do know that Autokiller isn't a task killer right?
However, I will read over the opening post, and maybe I missed the memo, lol!
To my understanding Autokiller adds advanced management the native Android OS
already handles. Using Autokiller has made my phone the most snappiest its ever been.
Launcher pro has never had a redraw, and in fact the only issue I have is
with Launcher Pro Plus itself, in that when it landscrape with the keyboard out (from typing a message)
then hitting the home button first the widgets take 2 seconds to switch, but I haven't had a redraw
in ages.
you can use the native task killer though if need be.
I'm talking about users who have to use one on a daily basis because there phone lags, hangs and sputters along.
Get rid of the bunk app(s) that are causing the issues. They don't belong on the device.
I'm on a horse........