htc phones run and look better than moto brick lookn devices, htc blows em out the water in design and once htc brings ot the next nexus it will be mine! O YES IT WILL BE MINE! and my battery lasts me upwards of 10 hrs one charge with heavy use and of copurse evry other phone has better batt life theyre 3G its a fact 4g is a battery killer...and with the news of unlocked bootloaders from now on thats just another notch in their belt over the prisoner phones by moto...its funny how htc actually listened to their consumer unlike moto will ever do after once we buy the phone it ours and should be able to do what we like with em...and the only moto phone i had was the best one D1 and is still a classic but it had its flaws as well, my keypad peeled up on me twice and the slide mechanism with loose on me also so every phone has its problems.