Tethering...I know its a beat up subject...but I gotta share


Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Williamsport, PA
Ok just spent almost an hour on the phone arguing with CS that my phone updates are free...but the Microsoft OS updates on my netbook cost me data. She didnt get the point I was trying to make. But I said 4 times that if I could tether my phone to my netbook with my unlimited data this wouldnt even be an issue. She said "unfortunatly sir the droid cant tether" ..... I actually made her say 5 times...the droid CANT tether...and that my netbook is on a different network and if I have MS updates turned on that goes against my data. But because my droid is unlimited... motorola can send me an update every 2 mins forever and that wont matter. Now..I KNOW moto isnt doing that. But I feel this is unfair and just beeging me to tether and say eff you. You may record this call for CS purposes? good cause I noted exactly when this call took place. Just try charging me for raping your "unlimited data" on my phone.

/end soapbox haha
exactly...the droid can not tether....i like that. ;)
You've never read the contracts you signed, have you?:icon_ poke:
Pdanet and easytether alloow you to download and usecure apps. I would not recommend using tethering to download torrents. I would recommend tethering sparingly and go to sites that you can go to on your droid.
I am reading this on my droid and trying to make sense of it all. What was your point calling VZW and the point for posting here? Yes we know we can tether but that is not officially recognized by VZW.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I trust that any Droid owner who tethers is not naive enough to believe that VZW does not realize that we have the ability and therefore, are actually, using our Droid for tethering.

At this point, we are fortunate that the carriers are not making an issue which would mean a rate increase.

The old adage "let sleeping dogs lie" seems an appropriate approach.

I only teather when needed and when I do it is only for short periods of time. I work remote so there are times that I am out and have to get into my employer to handle things. I have no choice to teather. I bet I teather about 4 or 5 times a month.

However, why should I have to pay an extra $30 a month to teather, when I do I don't even get close to the 5 gigs? It just seems unfair.

However I can see VZW point when people teather they get one and download the news pirated DVD movies. :icon_eek:
OP, you're kidding us right? Oh man...

Another case of the ten percenters who will screww the rest of us who would knowingly tether without drawing attention to ourselves.

So what large volume of data was worth it to you to get everyone off of a unlimited data plan? Was it worth it?

If you tether, do it smartly, and you certainly don't go calling VZ about it. Jeez ....

And yes, we may or may not get it in 2.2, and we may lose the unlimited plan, but I think that is not the point everyone is going to make to you.
tethering will cause us all (vzw, tmo, sprint) to have a plan similar to what AT&T has gone too - like mwhartman said, it's not like they don't know we're doing it, even if sparingly

the ten percenters will just cause the carriers to act faster on getting those changes in place

edit: to further lay out my thoughts, they have no way of regulating it easily, and few will pay +$30 for it, so i think we'll all end up on a plan like AT&T's because then we're just paying for the data we actually use (to a point), whether we tether or not
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Why would you do that with a CS rep? All they are doing is relaying the information/rules handed down from the top. Even if she agreed with you, it's not like she has the authority to do anything about it. Just seems kind of immature to do that to someone knowing that it's not their decision in the first place.
Why would you do that with a CS rep? All they are doing is relaying the information/rules handed down from the top. Even if she agreed with you, it's not like she has the authority to do anything about it. Just seems kind of immature to do that to someone knowing that it's not their decision in the first place.
Some people feel the need to try to prove they are smarter than the Rep. It's unfortunate but people are out there with that sort of attitude. I dealt with it every day at VZW. Most people could not slide things past me because I was a Blackberry user while I was a VZW call center rep.
Ok just spent almost an hour on the phone arguing with CS that my phone updates are free...but the Microsoft OS updates on my netbook cost me data. She didnt get the point I was trying to make. But I said 4 times that if I could tether my phone to my netbook with my unlimited data this wouldnt even be an issue. She said "unfortunatly sir the droid cant tether" ..... I actually made her say 5 times...the droid CANT tether...and that my netbook is on a different network and if I have MS updates turned on that goes against my data. But because my droid is unlimited... motorola can send me an update every 2 mins forever and that wont matter. Now..I KNOW moto isnt doing that. But I feel this is unfair and just beeging me to tether and say eff you. You may record this call for CS purposes? good cause I noted exactly when this call took place. Just try charging me for raping your "unlimited data" on my phone.

/end soapbox haha

Yeah real smart.. If too many people start acting like that they are going to crack down that much harder on tethering then they already plan on doing which I already know they are going to. Things are going to change very soon regarding tethering and people that abuse it are the ones to blame.