No, but PDA and the other tether apps are totally not loading on my laptop now. I had no issues when I loaded them with my Incredible, odd.
You may need to load the new Moto USB drivers on your laptop. See post #5
No, but PDA and the other tether apps are totally not loading on my laptop now. I had no issues when I loaded them with my Incredible, odd.
No, but PDA and the other tether apps are totally not loading on my laptop now. I had no issues when I loaded them with my Incredible, odd.
You may need to load the new Moto USB drivers on your laptop. See post #5
I couldn't find Moto USB drivers for Mac OS. Am I out of luck on using PDAnet or EasyTether?
I couldn't find Moto USB drivers for Mac OS. Am I out of luck on using PDAnet or EasyTether?
As far as I know, you're out of luck. EasyTether does support Ubuntu, tho.
I couldn't find Moto USB drivers for Mac OS. Am I out of luck on using PDAnet or EasyTether?
As far as I know, you're out of luck. EasyTether does support Ubuntu, tho.
Thanks. The link you provided indicates Mac OS is "coming soon". (I had no problems with PdaNet and the Incredible, but I returned it due to poor earpiece speaker quality - garbled incoming voice.)
So far the Droid X 3G Mobile Hotspot seems to be performing poorly, so I guess I'll just wait it out, until those drivers are available.
i've been trying since yesterday to get PDA to work, i installed easytether an hour ago and it was up and running in a few minutes (the time it took to download and install) and is comparable to my questionable comcast speed.
think i know which one i'll be sticking with!
i've been trying since yesterday to get PDA to work, i installed easytether an hour ago and it was up and running in a few minutes (the time it took to download and install) and is comparable to my questionable comcast speed.
think i know which one i'll be sticking with!
I'm getting ready to go for a quick bike ride but will give easytether a shot....can you give a quck tutorial on how you did it...? I am getting a headache from the PDA deal.
i've been trying since yesterday to get PDA to work, i installed easytether an hour ago and it was up and running in a few minutes (the time it took to download and install) and is comparable to my questionable comcast speed.
think i know which one i'll be sticking with!
I'm getting ready to go for a quick bike ride but will give easytether a shot....can you give a quck tutorial on how you did it...? I am getting a headache from the PDA deal.
Get ET from the market, and after it installs open it up and it really guides you right through. After the hassel with pda this was a breeze.
Hope this was helpful, happy tethering.
I bought EasyTether like it a lot. I also bought PDA Net, and definitely prefer EasyTether over PDA Net - and, hey - it's a LOT cheaper! ET was a little faster, and more "auotmatic" when plugging in the phone for tethering.
That said, all of this may be moot in the next month or two. Once Froyo is available on the DX, you probably won't need either of these apps.
Unless using ET is "invisible" to Verizon vs. the Froyo tethering functionality, you probably won't want to be tethering, anyways. Verizon will probably become very aggressive against "free tethering".
My thoughts,
I bought EasyTether like it a lot. I also bought PDA Net, and definitely prefer EasyTether over PDA Net - and, hey - it's a LOT cheaper! ET was a little faster, and more "auotmatic" when plugging in the phone for tethering.
That said, all of this may be moot in the next month or two. Once Froyo is available on the DX, you probably won't need either of these apps.
Unless using ET is "invisible" to Verizon vs. the Froyo tethering functionality, you probably won't want to be tethering, anyways. Verizon will probably become very aggressive against "free tethering".
My thoughts,
You betya bro, i have been using USBModem to tether on my Palm 755p (still manufactured in Taiwan $80 on ebay, on my 6th now, for die-hard Palm afficionados) until 2 months ago, when misteriously the Verizon cough-up-the-dough screen showed up, so they found a workaround.
Once rooted and de-eFuse'd the DroidX in the hands of the wise men shall tether, as long as there is a browser function on the phone.