Text Message Mismatch


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
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I ran into a problem with one of my Droids. I received a text message from someone and the problem is that the name shown at the top of the text message window does NOT match the name in the thread below. Now I don't know who the message actually came from. If I reply it goes to the person listed in the header and not the person in the thread. Any ideas?
D Mike, I too have something similar goin on. When I get a text from someone that doesn't have an assigned picture the phone randomly pulls a pic from another contact and uses it as that original texters pic. It's strange.
I also had a text problem. When receiving a text it would say that it was from another person in my contacts and when sending a text it would not go to the person It was intended for. It would go to a random contact. I made 4 calls to tech support and 2 trips back to the Verizon store before they would replace the phone saying that they never heard of such a thing. My replacement phone has done this once in the past week so its not perfect neither.
If this is indeed a software bug, then I believe that this is a huge issue. Being a former blackberry user I can say that I never lost confidence in messages or emails being redirected to another contact.

This is a huge issue for persons sending sensitive or confidential sms or email messages to persons in their contact list, as I do. I love this phone, but I don't want to have to second guess every time I send a message, wondering if it went to the correct person.:unsure:
Yes I have noticed this too and never exactly related it to the picture but I think that is what it does. it links the message to one with a picture. So far I have known who was texting but if a person was not sure this could be a real problem.
Glad I'm not the only one. Where can we go to report to google? I wanna say I read somewhere that google had a (submit feedback/or SW issues) website but can't remember what it was.
Tech support tried to tell me that there is no other known issues with this. They need to know that it is a big problem. Text does sometimes involve private matters and ypou never know where they will end up but it is always someone else in your contact list... NOT good. On my first call to T.S. they told me to add all area codes to everyone in my contacts (something that will need to be done in a month or so anyways or you will not be able to place a call without them) That did not work. Second and third calls they said it sounded like software issues/failure. They even factory reset my phone so it was all started over like a brand new phone. Still no good. Finally replaced it. I now tell everyone to add their initials to the end of every text so i know for sure who it is from. Getting them to the correct person though is another issue, you just watch what you say!
I decided to add photos to the contacts I normally get a message from. Now of course if I receive a surprise message, then I guess I might wonder who it will be ...
One of he fixes coming on 12/11 is a sms and mms bug where if you have you contacts mobile area code in (parenthesis) the Droid will replace their area code with yours. It gets really annoying when my texts meant to go to California get sent to the same number but in my area code instead of theirs.
I sent an email over to the security people at Android Developers and maybe they can shed some light on the situation. I thought about assigning pictures to all my contacts, but had second thoughts as I have over 300 in my list.
I sent an email over to the security people at Android Developers and maybe they can shed some light on the situation. I thought about assigning pictures to all my contacts, but had second thoughts as I have over 300 in my list.

Yeap, I thought this too. But, like you, discarded the idea.
The mis-identity on a text message happened to me. It actually came through from the original sender, but later, when I went back to look through my text messages, it was showing it was from another contact.
I know this thread is a little old but I thought I should add that this has also happened to me a couple times over the past weekend. My wife texted me and when I received the text the header was showing a different person from my contacts. I knew it was from my wife because of the content of the text and also the fact that it was threaded with other texts from her. I assumed that maybe it was just showing the wrong contact and that if I replied that it would send to my wife. I was wrong. It sent to the person that was at the top of the header. THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS BUG THAT NEEDS TO BE FIXED! It doesn't happen all the time but it is disturbing enough that it happens even once. I don't want other people reading things I may say to my wife in a private text message!! Luckily what I typed was not a big deal. The person just responded "What?" And I had to explain it was a glitch and not meant for them.
I experienced something similar to this and the cause of it:

I selected a contact, Nathan, and clicked the option for text message. The text message screen came up but with another contact's name, Bob, at the top of the message.

I sent the text which did go to Nathan but his reply even said it was from Bob.

I figured out the problem was that I accidentally had the same phone # in my contacts for Nathan and Bob. So for the texts to and from Nathan #'s, when google did a lookup of the phone # to my contacts it saw Bob before Nathan so it displayed Bob's name for that phone #.

Make sure there are no duplicate #s under different contacts, it may weird things out. Like, Mom - Home Dad-Home, 2 different contacts with the same # I think google pulls the first name from the contacts for ID lookup.