We hear you guys, and unfortunately we aren't the ones who determine when/if an update is being pushed out... We do appreciate the support, and we're trying the best we can to be here for you! ^AM
Assuming this is actually a representative of LG - *shrugs* -, you don't see this happen very often. Well not the forums I frequent. I find it refreshing to know (well at least hope) that LG reads through these and the other G2 forums and listens, as we are better than any internal testing team (development community as a whole).
I once told myself a very long time ago that I would never buy a LG device. At the time I had an OG Droid and my girlfriend had an Ally. The Ally wasn't bad when thinking back on it now but at the time when I had both side by side, well the lack of RAM cropped that phone and left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm thankful that I was so critical back then as it was that same tactful thinking that brought me to choose the G2.
The development community may be a minority when compared to those outside of it, but when the average person searches a phone online before buying it, what sites show up first? Sometimes you may need to wait until the fog clears (fanatics/hype/etc) to see clearly, but it's [we're] always there. The best thing LG can do is separate themselves from Samsung. Rolling KitKat out here soon would be a tremendous start and if LG fails to deliver a KitKat update in a timely manner, then there will be a LOT of resent from those who took a leap of faith with LG when they could have went with the Nexus 5. Those who would be upset may be a minority, but it happens to also be the minority who others turn to for advise on purchasing new devices and who write the reviews.
Personally, I'm happy running 4.2.2 with the battery life I'm getting. I have been used to AOSP Android ever since I got my original Droid and it's a compliment that I'd rather use a 4.2.2 Optimistic UI ROM. Granted, I did have to root bypass the boot loader to remove Verizon's crap (I'd rather use a more colorful metaphor that more precisely describes their bloat that comes up reinstalled but...), and because I like to think of my phone as the computer it is and not a mindless device. I'd never pay for a computer that I wasn't able to log in as Administratior to, and never will. If there was no Loki bypass, the G2 would not have the following it does now in these communities.
No manufacturer seems to realize that. It should then be up to us to find a carrier who will activate it on their networks, but that'll never happen here in the U.S. None the less, thank you for leaving a fairly easy access point into the device I paid $550 for

If LG can't get KitKat rolling out before Samsung and HTC finish theirs and if they don't get it started and completed soon, then there will be a lot of G2 owners who jump OEM's when the time comes, or sooner ... if LG embraced the open development and provided downloads of updated binaries for their devices, then that alone would be a huge step in the right direction. I have a bad feeling though that LG is just going to follow behind Samsung thing that Samsung is the posted boy of success and that one kid in school that you hate because he's always picked first even though you were better... Business is an ugly world unfortunately. They need to also continue focusing on the innovations which have impressed us, such as the beautiful display with what seems like huge improvements on battery consumption. This is were the ugliness comes into play. Ideally LG would do all of this and win over the hearts of those who've switched (Verizon Nexus devotees for example). I'm afraid they will take their eyes off of what lies ahead on the road and crash horrible while trying to catch up and never even finish. Even though it shouldn't be a race, the path to victory includes opening development up, rolling Android updates out ON TIME and not 6 months or a year later (updates binaries would help as then we could build our own - and Motorola showed it doesn't need to take so long..), and continue original innovation AND once you have the ability, put your foot down against shipping computers to people who can't even log in with root access. How are we to administer our devices? We don't live in a world where all is sunshine and puppy dogs and cute cat videos. Consumers may be ignorant to the fact that what they are using is a compufer (thankfully not Windows,

), but it won't always be like that and sooner or later the way people view the devices will change. No I'm not suggesting making the same mistake Microsoft did early on with their first disasterous Windows phones, I'm just saying something needs to be done to secure LG as they are in a precarious spot and if they aren't careful can fall right back to the bottom, or they can stay in limbo or climb up. The rewards are at the top.
Short Version: LG, don't stall with KitKat updates on G2 and get them out before Samsung and HTC. Open development up (at least to where us developers can download updates binaries for our own Android builds), take a firm stand against selling people devices they can't fully access yet own (unlock the bootloaders), and don't follow behind Samsung as LG doesn't want to be synonymous with Samsung and in many areas now the comparisons are starting to be made. The enthusiasts and developers and modders who visit these forums may be a minority, but then again, do a Google search for LG G2 and look at the top sites and catching flak for any of the reasons above isn't acceptible as everything above would only help LG make Kore money. Then again I'm not sitting in the boardroom there. The G2 and N5 are two of the best devices out right now and all of the above would only help.