thankful for Google


May 13, 2010
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One of those places where we have a lot of sweet t
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I stay busy, and when I tell you I stay busy, I mean it.....after family junk ball night in my class at the gym I workout in we all went to dinner, then home to work on the accidentally put - off but much anticipated project of coloring our turkey for the first grader. Our first turkey was three years ago and gosh we had the best time, he was Super Turkey with a blue turkey feather uniform and cape. Last nights turkey had already been decided that he would be dressed in camoflauge. Dad camoflauged the breast and wings, Big brother, now ten, did an additional pattern for everything else. And the concept came from the little guy that crashed on the couch, so guess who stayed up late coloring it, patching his arm with a tag of "YoBird" with an additional night ops patch? Yep, me. Admittedly I am thinking the entire time "*Yawn* I love this family, I love this family."

While coloring said turkey and redoing a few parts by erasing and coloring again to match him Properly I start to count the things I have to be thankful for and remember the time we were thankful to the man who found our camera hanging in the cab in a NY cab and he used Google to research us based on some of the baseball pictures and our name being on a jersey across the back, google earthed our backyard based on a birthday party because of a certain landmark we were near. He saw what kind of a wonderful time we had had in his city with our young family and he made it his mission to find us. When we lost that camera we did not expect to get it back. We had been everywhere with it too! He said he made only one phone call to a possible owner. There is a picture on the wall of each of my boys bedrooms that I took that came from that camera and I have it because of him. There are many tales people could tell like this but today I am looking to Thanksgiving and starting to count my blessings and to me selfless acts are amongst the best to hear.

The turkey picture I took of the turkey did not turn out the best but I will post both later.....
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I meant to get back and post the turkeys sooner than this but I am having problems locating a jpeg of Superbird. I will have to a scrapbook or the old Dell hard drive to find it. I am sort of surprised we misplaced a picture of him. He was iconic in our family and stood out to us because he rocked the turkey wall at school. I think it was that day we realized we had a lot more personality than your average bird. (pun intended) my profile is usually locked down so I created a public gallery for Yo-bird. Again not great pics of "Yo-bird"....but if you have kids you understand. And I pulled some NY pics too that we have thanks to a kind gentleman too many to pull so first few and the important butt shot thats on their wall framed.
What other search engine gets to be a verb in the English language? :)

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I am going to hunt you down when its time to start diagramming sentences.....Just Sunday night we Googled pronouns and watched a refresher u-tube video three times to keep the ten year old straight. My misery is stuff I learned in Junior High is grade school homework now.

I am refreshing English 101 just for that day.