Yesterday's chrome update seemed to help some of the keyboard issues.
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Yesterday's chrome update seemed to help some of the keyboard issues.
Sent from my DROID4 using Tapatalk 2
Yes, this is how I am accessing now. However, the "People" shortcut/app defaults to my entire contact list. I want it to default to my favorites.
I can't/don't want to use the widget. For one, I'm using ADW and that widget doesn't seem to work. I can't even find it on the widget list. Also, I wanted a shortcut that I can put in the dockbar.
It Lady,I am having all of the same issues as the people above me especially the person that posted all of those issues in outline form. My biggest issues and they are huge to me is the lag time just in the phone now since JB. My phone is so slow and that's an understatement.
Thank you for all the info. I didn't see your post until after I wrote what i just wrote. I will follow your instructions and do as you said. I wish I had known I was going to have to go through all of this in order to have JB I would have just kept ICS. I don't really know how to even save stuff to my computer. I'm sure my husband will know I hope. What's the easiest way to save pics and files to my computer? Can I just send them to Dropbox? I've never hooked my phone to my computer so I'm not sure how to even go about that. I'm sure it's very simple and i could do it I will just have to look up how to. What type of cord do you use? Usb or HDMI? I'm sorry I'm just a complete novice but im trying to learn.
Does it suffice to do a factory data reset before upgrading to Jelly Bean?
all you photos may not be on you sd card, you may have some on the internal card, but if you wipe data from recovery neither should be touched, if you do a factory data reset from system settings>Privacy it will wipe internal with option to wipe sd cardSnglgrma,
Thank you for all the info. I didn't see your post until after I wrote what i just wrote. I will follow your instructions and do as you said. I wish I had known I was going to have to go through all of this in order to have JB I would have just kept ICS. I don't really know how to even save stuff to my computer. I'm sure my husband will know I hope. What's the easiest way to save pics and files to my computer? Can I just send them to Dropbox? I've never hooked my phone to my computer so I'm not sure how to even go about that. I'm sure it's very simple and i could do it I will just have to look up how to. What type of cord do you use? Usb or HDMI? I'm sorry I'm just a complete novice but im trying to learn. I'm a nurse or at least was before I got sick so electronics is not my strong suite but I'm a quick learner. HDMI is just for streaming shows to another device correct? It's not what I would use to hook phone to computer? Usb plug then? Sorry I feel really stupid. Or do I just take out my sd card and put it in a converter thingy I don't know what is called i just know my husband of his SD card in it once and put it into the computer to save stuff whatever it's called we have one and can I put that into the computer will that save what i need to save? Do I need to take my SIM card out? FDR makes me nervous feel like I'm losing everything.. But i know it's possible to do. Thanks for helping me. Anymore tricks you could share are greatly appreciated!
SnglGrma or anyone else that would like to help I would appreciate it,
I did the FDR I have two questions. I'm back to factory settings and under the privacy settings there is a place to check mark automatic restore. It says when reinstalling an app restore backed up settings and data? I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IF I SHOULD CHECK MARK THIS OR NOT? DO I WANT THE APPS TO REINSTALL THEIR BACKED UP SETTINGS? I'M MOST CONFUSED ABOUT THIS. PLEASE HELP AS I NEED TO START REINSTALLING MY APPS IN 24HR if that's ok..I know you said some of the apps are not compatible with JB so if I reinstalled them with their old settings I'm assuming this will be a problem? Of course I'm assuming if I didn't back things up properly I will lose info I have stored in some apps.. The most important being a symptom journal I was keeping, but other then that not a lot stored in any apps.
My second stupid question and I always have more trouble with things that are very simple you said I could put my pics back on the phone. What's the easiest way to do that? I have them all backed up on Dropbox and to my computer. What's the easiest way to put just the pics I want back on the phone? Just download them back on from Dropbox or something like that?
But Please let me know if I should check or not check that box about restoring apps to their backed up settings... Thanks so much for all of your help. I will let you know how it goes in the next few weeks hopefully this will speed up my phone.. It was bad Sooo slow. I still wish I could get ICS back simply for their gallery I miss it so much. It was more valuable to me then getting google now at this point in my life... I can't work because of my late stage Lyme disease and google now is for people that still have a life. I just enjoyed messing with my pics and the new JB gallery IMO is an unorganized mess. We lost several functions from the ICS gallery. I wish they would at least compromise a little and bring some of what it was like back.
Lastly if I decided to learn how to root my phone could I get ICS back that way?
Thanks take care and don't take a minute for granted if you have your health you have everything... you have choices. When you become very ill every choice you have is taken away. The only thing to hold into is hope and that gets very difficult at times... Take care!
It lady,What's the easiest way to put just the pics I want back on the phone?
The new JB gallery
Lastly if I decided to learn how to root my phone could I get ICS back that way?