Actually, we're getting more value out of cable (ok, that's debateable) and broadband, but we're paying for it. I think I used to pay like $70 a month for cable and internet, now it's $130 (but that includes hi-def service and integrated DVR, and hi-speed broadband). $200 a month for cable, cell and internet! (and I know that's cheap to what some people pay).
I pay $70 a month for Comcast, that includes Broadband 6Mbps, Hi-Def with DVR Channels 1-100 (those same channels on Hi-def) I think it is 700-800.
I been paying $70 a month for the last 8 years...LOL As low as $50 a month before I had Hi-def. Every 6 months I call in and they reduce the price back down. It is funny last time they actually called my bluff and told me to drop TV for 3 months...but this is first level help desk...they are always shocked when I respond to their "that was a promotional rate" with "oh as you can see that is about all I have EVER paid". Then they say, "your right". So far I just call a gal I have contact with in the Retention Department. Funny with a simple call to her the rate goes back down with a click...LOL I'm know to haggle...and been known to haggle to prove you can even at stores like Target, Sears, and Wal-marts.
As for getting out of Verizon contract it is a moot point really because everyone here is assuming stuff, stuff that has not happened...and I'll admit I even assumed. Getting out of contracts in not that hard, most are written pretty poorly even by large companies like Verizon, or are not 100% legal...just because it is a contract does not make it 100% legal. I got a few lawyers in the family, one actually deals with contractual law. I'm never that worried about getting out as you can find a way.
The worst Verizon could do is report you to a credit agency, well I own my home, I own my cars, and pay cash for other stuff...and have a great credit card through my Credit really, what would reporting me do. Will not hurt me one bit. I actually would probably just pay them.
I'm reading the form now, It is $350 ETF, but is lowered $10 a month that you are into the contract. (So after a year that be $230) However Costco's policy is 90 day return on phones, but you got to pay the ETF by Verizon, so if you wait till near the end that could mean only $320 you got to pay Verizon. Factor in Costco would return $200 to us, that is only a $120 ETF...assuming we really don't like it. I'm okay with that.
It also states 2-year contract the customer can upgrade after 20 months into their means you don't need to stay in for the full 24 months as long as you are upgrading phones. Thus no ETF.
Anyone want me to scan and post this???
Edited to say:
The $350 ETF is not per phone but per contract...this is one contract under my name. Just wanted to make that clear. So seeing as one phone was could look at it that minus the $200 off it would of cost for that phone on contract before the deal (if not more) then the ETF is actually only $150. Not bad at all. Well off I go to call the Home Owners insurance to see if this is covered.