I don't believe it is something that should be policed... I am someone who feels we aren't entitled to updates. I feel we get them as a courtesy.. I know some argue that with the high dollars they spend on a device they are entitled to get updates but OEM's factor the cost of supporting that device beyond the purchase year... If they don't have to feel the need to support them I feel that price will go down.....
Don't get me wrong I love a new cool feature packed update and get antsy for them to come along but deep down appreciate the updates as a courtesy and not a requirement...
Sort of agree, unless the device has been advertised that it will receive certain upgrades. If I bought a device on the pretense that it will be receiving certain future upgrades then I shouldn't have to wait 6 months after its release for the upgrade. Sure, that's something I can battle for on my own but pressure from the FCC has a bit more clout than I do. The problem is that is not the manufacturers that are the problem. It's the carriers that feel they need to add their bs before the upgrade is released.
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