Forgive me for sounding stupid, but what is the lapdock useful for or at least what are the benefits of using / owning one? Also, is this price good at locations like BJ's, Sams, Costco and mall kiosk locations?
It is a netbook looking device that allows you to dock a compatible phone and run an application, webtop 3.0, that gives you an experience somewhere between a tablet and a netbook, but has a fully functional phone as well. The processor and all apps reside on your phone, it's the webtop app that differs from your usual phone experience. It has a keyboard not too unlike that of a netbook, built in speakers, a couple of USB ports, and its own battery and external power supply which will also charge your phone when the phone is docked. With a phone, I would consider it an Android based netbook. Without a phone, it is an interesting paperweight. I will probably get all kinds of holes shot through this description, but those are my thoughts on how to describe it.