I believe that the announcement will be that Google will introduce their new G Tunes which is for all carriers.
In regards to P3: I honestly believe that this is confirmation that the Nexus will drop by Black Friday.
I don't know P3, but I think he is working freelance for Verizon which is why he seems to have access to certain things before the rest.
I came to the conclusion after deep thought as I don't like to point fingers, but I think this sealed it for me.
P3 is one of the main thrusts behind the complete scam rumors back when we were all told that if we didn't purchase a new phone by such and such date, we would be forced to pay for tiered data.
I believe that the rumor was consciously put out to cause mass confusion and bring in huge sales numbers. The rumor was clearly known by Verizon and yet they dragged their feet to correct said rumor. And guess what? The last day the rumor stated that we could avoid tiered data was one of the best in Verizon's history.
I was able to get the correct information and avoid a fear motivated purchase, yet no one believed me when I posted this information. Riddle me this Batman, why was a complete nobody like myself able to get the correct information and P3 couldn't?
Again, I have no idea who P3 is and therefore I base my conclusions on his actions and his odd ability to get his hands on unreleased code and such. He is oddly always one of the first, and always is a tad to coincidental for my taste.
I stand by what I have posted and if you desire, feel free to criticize but bring some supporting information.
walkin the walk while tappin the talk