About to upgrade & thinking Maxx but are there any upcoming phones (or current) that has a better camera quality? Android has been notorious for mediocre camera quality.
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The rezound has a better camera than the maxx.. The only other phone for vzw that is coming anytime soon is prolly the next incredible other than that I think lg might have sumn but will prolly be over another month or so at the soonest . And that's just me throwing some rumors around. So I think the rezound or maxx would be ur best bet just go play with them in the store and get what 1 u like better.. Personally I hate the design of the razr to thin and wide its weird to hold ur not holding the phone but the sides of it... I've used both quite a bit I like the Rezound alot better and I think the screen on it is alot better also.. but I hate amoleds screens.. My coworkers have nothing but good things to say about the razr and rezound so there both great..
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