They won't care. The full keyboard market is a niche market with very loyal clients. They'll accept whatever they can get, and the competition is very limited. I may be in the minority, but I don't really care if it takes a couple months to shoehorn ICS in there, nor do I care if I can't get the next great OS, because it's so bloated it needs a quad core. As long as it works as promised for 2 years that is. Apple gets this. Android's track record doesn't seem so great, but the new generation phones are very powerful, so there's hope. And I have no doubt that much of the fault lies with the manufacturers and the carriers and their skins, etc. All the custom hacks aren't helping stability either. I'm waiting for 4g, a 4" min screen, and a keyboard, with a decent processor. I just hope I don't have to wait too much longer. I'm ready to move on to a new phone.
My concern is that they are testing the hardware now, but really planning to release it in a few months when they get the custom ICS worked out. Let's hope not.