I started watching Castle strictly because I liked Nathan Fillion in Firefly and heard it was similar the style of sarcastic humor (which it is). The down side is that it is another crime/mystery show and is similar to the CSIs, Bones, NCIS (freaking love this), ect where the show has its own formula and follows it pretty close from week to week... still keeps me interested though.
Edit: Freakin Fringe..... top 3 for me... amazed at how they have managed to keep me hooked in... thought they would write themselves into a corner long ago. Then I thought they were going to piss me off by changing the time line, but with the most recent twist, I... I don't even know what to think
Oh, and can't wait for Game of Thrones to come back around!!
That's more or less what I thought, but I too loved Nathan Fillion in Firefly, so if it's the same dry humor it sounds like it's for me.
And you pretty much nailed Fringe.....danged show keeps changing tacks, and just when you think they've written themselves into a corner, there's a whole new thing. This season was totally off from previous shows.....can't wait for it to come back in Feb!!!
I also love Eureka.....sci-nerdy with a good dose of humor. Just heard last night that next season is the last. Sad, but at least there'll be whatever wrap-up they need. Hate it when a show just ends!!! grrr....