Senior Member
I like your persistance, I just hope they don't put the Law on you...
It did work out ok! LOL! I got to play with it! it was completely worth it! :icon_ banana:
The screen on that thing is amazing! Coming from someone that has a rezound, thats kinda saying something. I was impressed with the phone as a whole(well i guess i was more impressed with the OS). The back cover is pretty weak though. it was Semi hard to get back on. The camera isnt as bad as people make it out to be. But the setting on it are VERY limited. you cant tweak the contrast or sharpness or anything, or the iso, no exposure comp, only 4 scene modes(no HDR mode like the rezound). the camera isnt really fast enough to focus so it take out of focus pics.......the phone is very light....
I think i am going to be getting this phone. I do infact like it more then the rezound(the screen is killer, blacks are black and whites are white.). The rezound camera is absolutely better though, every way. It might not take instant pics, but atleast they are in focus. If you turn off picture preview the rezounds camera is actually very fast.