Time for my morning catch-up post:
Am I detecting an attempt at a Star Wars Quote Parody? If so, well played, chap!! haha
I see both sides of this... I think what it is going to come down two is if you lay the device screen side down, will it be laying on plastic bezel or the top and bottom edges of the screen because of the curve? If the bezel protrudes out even slightly more than the glass, it seems like the odds of a broken screen are reduced greatly.
To be honest, I think a D1 would fare better at taking a round than the Razr.
I had a lonngg post a few weeks back about this same thing. I used to think Carbon Fiber and Kevlar were these magical super strong end-all-be-all materials that could be used anywhere and everywhere. Then I did a semester of composites work while in college. Yeah, not so amazing in about 98% of structures applications, but that 2% where they are actually used, WOW! Anyway, the only real thing I wanted to comment on was where you said "light weight at a cheap price is with cheap composites and/or plastic"... short of going with fiber glass there really isn't such a thing as "cheap composites", especially when looking at the cost of manufacturing (and even fiber glass isn't that cheap either), Which is why I was amazed that they did go with the Kevlar backing. It seems like one of the most complicated materials to make half of a phone out of, but then again, they probably cut the difficulty (and cost) in half by making it non-removable.